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10 records

AS006  (Oct 6 1987 - Sep 8 2022)        
Aquatic Vertebrate Population Study in Mack Creek, Andrews Experimental Forest, 1987 to present
Creator(s): Stanley V. Gregory, Ivan Arismendi

CF002  (Oct 2 1968 - May 22 2019)        
Stream chemistry concentrations and fluxes using proportional sampling in the Andrews Experimental Forest, 1968 to present
Creator(s): Sherri L. Johnson, Richard L. Fredriksen

GI010  (Aug 10 2008 - Aug 11 2008)    **Spatial Dataset**    
LiDAR data (August 2008) for the Andrews Experimental Forest and Willamette National Forest study areas
Creator(s): Thomas A. Spies

HF004  (Oct 1 1949 - Sep 30 2020)        
Stream discharge in gaged watersheds at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 1949 to present
Creator(s): Sherri L. Johnson, Steven M. Wondzell, Jack S. Rothacher

HT004  (Aug 11 1976 - Oct 1 2019)        
Stream and air temperature data from stream gages and stream confluences in the Andrews Experimental Forest, 1950 to present
Creator(s): Stanley V. Gregory, Sherri L. Johnson

MS001  (Jan 10 1957 - Oct 1 2021)        
Meteorological data from benchmark stations at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 1957 to present
Creator(s): Christopher Daly, Mark D Schulze, W. Arthur McKee

MS005  (Mar 17 1971 - Oct 1 2021)        
Air and soil temperature data from the Reference Stand network at the Andrews Experimental Forest, 1971 to present
Creator(s): Christopher Daly, W. Arthur McKee

TD023  (Jan 31 1990 - Jun 12 2007)        
LTER Intersite Fine Litter Decomposition Experiment (LIDET), 1990 to 2002
Creator(s): Mark E. Harmon

TP108  (Jun 15 1994 - Aug 31 2016)        
Demonstration of Ecosystem Management Options (DEMO) Study, western Oregon and Washington (post-treatment data, 1998-2016)
Creator(s): Charles B. Halpern

TV010  (Feb 1 1910 - Aug 1 2023)        
Long-term growth, mortality and regeneration of trees in permanent vegetation plots in the Pacific Northwest, 1910 to present
Creator(s): Jerry F. Franklin, David Bell, Suzanne M. Remillard, Robert J. Pabst, Andrew Bluhm, Matt Powers