

Stream discharge in gaged watersheds at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 1949 to present

  • Creator(s): Sherri L. Johnson, Steven M. Wondzell, Jack S. Rothacher
  • PI(s): Sherri L. Johnson
  • Originator(s): Jack S. Rothacher
  • Other researcher(s): Steven M. Wondzell, Julia A. Jones, Adam M Kennedy, Greg Downing, Benjamin Nash
  • Dates of data collection: Oct 1 1949 - Sep 30 2020
  • Data collection status: Study continues and further data collection is planned
  • Data access: Online
  • DOI:
  • Access constraint: All data is available through Wateryear 2018 (10-01-2018). Data previously online for Andrews watersheds with wateryears: WS1 (1999-2016), WS2 (1999-2016), WS3 (1999-2016), WS8 (1988-2016), WS10 (1997-2016) has been replaced with data generated from new rating curves. Generally, the new rating curves produce data that differs less than 3% of the original data with the exception of WS1, which differs up to 20% from the original data. Original data for these watersheds is still available as 5 minute data in Entity 7. See Related File below: Rational and background for updating discharge data from small watersheds.
  • Last update: Mar 6 2024 (Version 36)
<Citation>     <Acknowledgement>     <Disclaimer>    
Johnson, S.; Wondzell, S.; Rothacher, J. 2024. Stream discharge in gaged watersheds at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 1949 to present. Long-Term Ecological Research. Forest Science Data Bank, Corvallis, OR. [Database]. Available: Accessed 2024-07-27.
Data were provided by the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest research program, funded by the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Program (DEB 2025755), US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and Oregon State University.
While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Andrews LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets.

Streamflow from selected small watersheds has been continuously monitored at the Andrews Forest beginning in November 1952 and the Lookout Creek Gauging Station has been maintained by the USGS since October, 1949. The objectives of this study include: (1) to evaluate long-term changes in hydrology associated with various management treatments, notably clearcut logging, selective logging, and burning; (2) to provide baseline data for affiliated precipitation and stream water chemistry and sediment transport studies; and (3) to characterize the hydrologic regime of old-growth forests at different elevations.

Streamflow records from small watersheds began in November 1952 at WS 1,2, and 3 (60 to 100 ha), 1963 at WS 6, 7, and 8 (15 to 22 ha) 1968 at WS 9 and 10 (9 and 10 ha), 1980 at Mack Creek (580 ha), and 1949 at Lookout Creek (6242 ha). Data have been collected continuously since the start of data collection for all watersheds, with the exception of WS7, which was shut down as a cost-saving maneuver from WY1988 through WY1994. See for other information.

Raw instantaneous streamflow data in cubic feet per second (cfs) and mean flow at fine temporal intervals are available. Rating curves for fixed trapezoidal flumes are maintained for all small watersheds except Lookout Creek and allow calculation of mean and total flow. The USGS-maintained Lookout Creek relies on annual rating table development to reflect changes in the open channel for instantaneous flow calculation. Entity 1 includes a reconstructed history of USGS Lookout Creek hourly data beginning in 1950 and more recently 30 and 15 minute interval data. Calculated mean cfs and total flow for each watershed are available at daily (Entity 2), monthly (Entity 3), annual (Entity 4), and stream sampling (Entity 6) time intervals. An interactive program, FLOW (Entity 5), allows the user to download instantaneous, mean and total flow at requested time periods (e.g., 5 minute, 15 minute, hourly) for all watersheds except for Lookout Creek.

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1Corrected instantaneous stage height with flow calculations (Oct 1 1949 - Oct 1 2020)METADATADATA
Only Lookout Creek streamflow data is available through this entity from the Andrews Forest data catalog. Entity 5 (the interactive FLOW program) is available from our catalog to download high temporal resolution streamflow data for all other Andrews small watersheds by watershed for any time period at user-specified time intervals or in raw collection intervals. The full dataset (all watersheds in raw collection intervals) is available in this entity through the Environmental Data Initiative (EDI) portal. Please use the DOI in the citation to access the current dataset in EDI. Lookout Creek data available here: 1) Hourly data has been reconstructed from USGS and USFS streamflow charts and punch tapes (1950-1986), 2) USGS 30 minute data (1986-2010), and 3) USGS 15 minute data (2010-present).
2Daily streamflow summaries (Oct 1 1949 - Sep 30 2020)METADATADATA
Daily data can also be downloaded from the ClimHydroDB archive, which has LTER and USFS data from 2001-2020.
3Monthly streamflow summaries (Oct 1 1949 - Sep 30 2020)METADATADATA
Monthly data can also be downloaded from the ClimHydroDB archive, which has LTER and USFS data from 2001-2020.
4Annual streamflow summaries by wateryear (October 1 - September 30) (Oct 1 1949 - Oct 1 2020)METADATADATA
Annual data can also be downloaded from the ClimHydroDB archive, which has LTER and USFS data from 2001-2020.
5Instantaneous and total discharge for requested time intervals (Oct 1 1953 - Oct 1 2020)METADATADATA
This is the interactive FLOW program which allows downloads of all Andrews small watersheds for any time period at user-specified time intervals. Rating equations can also be displayed. The full dataset (all watersheds) is available in this entity through the Environmental Data Initiative (EDI) portal. Please use the DOI in the citation to access the current dataset in EDI.
6Flow summaries for sediment and nutrient sampling periods (Oct 1 1968 - Oct 1 2020)METADATADATA
Total flow is summarized, generally in 3 week periods, for inclusion with stream sampling data in CF002.
7Discharge data calculated from discontinued rating curves (5 minute frequency data) (Oct 1 1987 - Oct 1 2016)METADATADATA
This data was online previously but has been deprecated in favor of new rating equations: WS1 , 2, 3 (WY1999-2016); WS 8 (WY 1988-2016); and WS10 (WY 1997 - 2016)

 Provisional Real-Time Data Graphs and Other Data Products - Access real-time climate and hydrology stations data graphs (for the past few weeks) and other data products on the Andrews Experimental Forest
 Rational and background for updating discharge data from small watersheds - Original proposal with rationale and background for replacing original stream discharge data with data generated from new rating curves for WS1, 2, 3, 8, and 10.
 Watershed Descriptions - Describes watershed characteristics including location, geology, soils, hydrology, vegetation, climate, and history.
 Andrews small watershed weir descriptions - revised 2018 - Physical description of small watershed weirs with change history and procesing/instrumentation history
 Rating curve equations for Andrews small watersheds - revised 2018 - Rating curve equation sets with version history includes equation parameters and maximum stage height applicable for each equation
 Rating curve history 2018 - A history of stream discharge calculation and rating curves for small gauged watersheds in the Andrews Experimental Forest
 Rating curve calibration point collection methods - revised 2018 - A description of the various methods used to collect rating points that are the basis of small watershed rating curves.
 Calculation of streamflow inches per day (or time interval) over the watershed area - The general equation to calculate streamflow in inches per day (or per any time interval) is presented, as well as the areas of HJ Andrews watersheds required in this equation.
 Stream discharge calculation using rating curves - A description of the calculus algorithm used to calculate total discharge
 Stream discharge methods - revised 2005 - A history and description of streamflow measurement methods and instrumentation
 Rating curve graphs - revised 2002 - Graphs from sample calibration points

 Stream chemistry concentrations and fluxes using proportional sampling in the Andrews Experimental Forest, 1968 to present (CF002)
 Stream discharge calibration measurements and rating equations with weir and watershed descriptions for small watersheds at the Andrews Experimental Forest and other sites (HF002)
 Meteorological data from benchmark stations at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 1957 to present (MS001)

 McGuire, Kevin J. 2004, Water residence time and runoff generation in the western Cascades of Oregon (Pub. No: 3864)
 Jones, J. A. 2000, Hydrologic processes and peak discharge response to forest removal, regrowth, and roads in 10 small experimental basins, western Cascades, Oregon (Pub. No: 2567)
 Jones, J. A., Grant, G. E. 1996, Peak flow responses to clear-cutting and roads in small and large basins, western Cascades, Oregon (Pub. No: 1529)
 Harr, R. Dennis 1986, Effects of clearcutting on rain-on-snow runoff in western Oregon: a new look at old studies (Pub. No: 681)
 Harr, R. Dennis, Levno, Al, Mersereau, Roswell 1982, Streamflow changes after logging 130-year-old Douglas-fir in two small watersheds (Pub. No: 625)
 Harr, R. D. 1981, Some characteristics and consequences of snowmelt during rainfall in western Oregon (Pub. No: 605)
 Harr, R. Dennis, McCorison, F. Michael 1979, Initial effects of clearcut logging on size and timing of peak flows in a small watershed in western Oregon (Pub. No: 546)
 Rothacher, Jack 1973, Does harvest in west slope Douglas-fir increase peak flow in small forest streams? (Pub. No: 438)
 Rothacher, Jack, Dyrness, C. T., Fredriksen, Richard L. 1967, Hydrologic and related characteristics of three small watersheds in the Oregon Cascades (Pub. No: 344)
 Rothacher, Jack 1965, Streamflow from small watersheds on the western slope of the Cascade Range of Oregon (Pub. No: 320)
 Jones, Julia A., Post, David A. 2004, Seasonal and successional streamflow response to forest cutting and regrowth in the northwest and eastern United States (Pub. No: 2787)
 Bond, Barbara J., Jones, Julia A., Moore, Georgianne, Phillips, Nathan, Post, David , McDonnell, Jeffrey J. 2002, The zone of vegetation influence on baseflow revealed by diel patterns of streamflow and vegetation water use in a headwater basin (Pub. No: 3092)
 Post, David A., Jones, Julia A. 2001, Hydrologic regimes of forested, mountainous, headwater basins in New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oregon, and Puerto Rico (Pub. No: 2786)
 Perkins, Reed M. 1997, Climatic and physiographic controls on peakflow generation in the western Cascades, Oregon (Pub. No: 2469)
 Hicks, Brendan J., Beschta, Robert L., Harr, R. Dennis 1991, Long-term changes in streamflow following logging in western Oregon and associated fisheries implications (Pub. No: 1239)