

Stream cross-section profiles in the Andrews Experimental Forest and Hagan Block RNA 1978 to 2011

  • Creator(s): Sherri L. Johnson, Frederick J. Swanson
  • PI(s): Sherri L. Johnson
  • Originator(s): Frederick J. Swanson
  • Other researcher(s): Julia A. Jones, Gordon E. Grant, John M. Faustini, Catalina Segura, Arianna Goodman
  • Dates of data collection: Apr 14 1978 - Sep 6 2011
  • Data collection status: Study collection is completed and no new collection is planned
  • Data access: Online
  • DOI:
  • Access constraint: Entities describing original permanent monument surveys, original raw survey data and adjustments, and other intermediate forms of the data are only available upon request.
  • Last update: Oct 12 2022 (Version 11)
<Citation>     <Acknowledgement>     <Disclaimer>    
Johnson, S.; Swanson, F. 2022. Stream cross-section profiles in the Andrews Experimental Forest and Hagan Block RNA 1978 to 2011. Long-Term Ecological Research. Forest Science Data Bank, Corvallis, OR. [Database]. Available: Accessed 2025-01-24.
Data were provided by the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest research program, funded by the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Program (DEB 2025755), US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and Oregon State University.
While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Andrews LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets.
This database consists of periodically resurveyed cross-section profiles for 5 sites (stream reaches) located in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest on 3rd to 5th-order stream channels over the period 1978-present, and also includes historical data from Shorter Creek within the Andrews and two sites (North and South) on the Hagan Creek in the Hagan Block RNA. Each of these sites includes 10-20 cross sections spaced about 10-50 m apart. Observations include cross-sectional geometry based on surveys relative to a horizontal line between permanent stations on opposite sides of the stream, substrate type based on pebble counts and notes on extent of bedrock, and photo-documentation of the sites. Sampling was primarily done annually until 2000 and opportunistically since then depending on funding and noted geomorphic changes in response to floods. Sampling at least every 5 years is desired. Data tables cover 1. elevation and distance measurements between fixed end points, 2. pebble counts for particle size, 3. measures of extent of exposed bedrock, 4. vegetation (1984 only) in terms of % cover by spp., % cover of substrate types, and plant measurements for making biomass estimates with allometric equations, but such estimates are not presented. The original raw cross-section data for these sites has been adjusted to align profiles for consecutive year comparisons at each cross-section location to correct for imprecision in the survey methodology. John Faustini, in 1998, further corrected this cross-section data from 1978-1998 for the five main sites in database GS019. Arianna Goodman, in 2021, performed additional corrections on the data, including more recent collections, 1978-2011, also in database GS019. The Shorter Creek cross-section surveys took place in 1978-1982 only. The Shorter Creek cross-section surveys took place in 1978-1982 only.

Study Description Study Site Map Taxonomic Hierarchy Download Study Location Information: (CSV)
Ecological Metadata Language: (EML)
1Andrews long-term stream cross-section data for Lookout Ck, Mack Ck and Cold Ck (Apr 14 1978 - Sep 6 2011)METADATADATA
Elevation and distance measurements are made between fixed end posts. Elevations and distances are corrected until 1995 for year to year comparison, but Z-post (zero distance post) elevations continue to be standardized for comparison.
2Historic Hagan North and South Fork and Andrews Shorter Creek cross-section data (Jun 13 1978 - Aug 1 2007)METADATADATA
Elevation and distance measurements between fixed end posts adjusted for comparison.
3Particle count sampling along stream cross-sections (Jul 1 1995 - Sep 6 2011)METADATADATA
Particle count samples: b-axis particle diameter
4Particle count sampling comments (Jul 1 1995 - Aug 18 2009)METADATADATA
Particle count sampling comments including presence of bedrock
5Vegetation cover by species (1984 only) (Jun 27 1984 - Aug 2 1984)METADATADATA
Percent cover by species in vegetation transect plots - 1984 survey of Mack Cr clearcut riparian vegetation.
6Vegetation substrate type (1984 only) (Jun 27 1984 - Aug 2 1984)METADATADATA
Percent substrate types in vegetation transect plots - 1984 riparian survey of Mack Cr clearcut
7Vegetation raw biomass measurements (1984 only) (Jun 27 1984 - Aug 3 1984)METADATADATA
Raw biomass measurements of height, diameter, leaf or frond length or count, etc. along vegetation transect in 1984 survey - biomass not calculated and calculation through allometric equations is needed.
8Permanent monument data (Apr 14 1978 - May 31 1978)METADATADATA
Original 1978 permanent monument data survey/control net
9Reference data for each cross-section number (Apr 14 1978 - May 31 1978)METADATADATA
Original 1978 survey for each cross-section
10Raw data horizontal and vertical adjustment factors for each cross-section at all sites (Apr 14 1978 - Sep 6 2011)METADATAData not online
Catalog of adjustments to raw data - internal program use only
11Raw stream cross-section measurement data for all sites (Apr 14 1978 - Sep 6 2011)METADATADATA
Raw stream cross-section transect data - not adjusted.

 Cross-section protocols - Original cross-section protocols, Shorter Creek protocols, and particle count protocol
 Lower Lookout Creek map - Map of the Lower Lookout cross-section reach (partial)
 Hagan Creek cross-section establishment - Hagan North and South Fork establishment report and maps
 Wolman pebble count protocol - Description of Wolman pebble count
 River Channel Survey Data, Redwood Creek, California, 1953-2013 - Data provided by ScienceBase, a digital repository.

 Adjusted stream cross-section profiles for Lookout Creek and Mack Creek, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 1977-1998 (GS019)

 Faustini, John M. 2000, Stream channel response to peak flows in a fifth-order mountain watershed (Pub. No: 2781)
 Madej, Mary Ann 1999, Patterns of hillslope and channel recovery following disturbances in steep, forested basins (Pub. No: 2757)
 Nakamura, Futoshi, Swanson, Frederick J. 1993, Effects of coarse woody debris on morphology and sediment storage of a mountain stream system in western Oregon (Pub. No: 1265)
 Faustini, John M., Jones, Julia A. 2003, Influence of large woody debris on channel morphology and dynamics in steep, boulder-rich mountain streams, western Cascades, Oregon (Pub. No: 3013)