

Air temperature at core phenology sites and additional bird monitoring sites in the Andrews Experimental Forest, 2009 to present

  • Creator(s): Mark D Schulze, Matthew G Betts, Sarah J. K. Frey
  • PI(s): Matthew G Betts, Mark D Schulze
  • Originator(s): Sarah J. K. Frey
  • Other researcher(s): Adam M Kennedy, Sherri L. Johnson, Nina C. Ferrari
  • Dates of data preparation: Oct 1 2008 - Oct 8 2022
  • Data collection status: Study continues and further data collection is planned
  • Data access: Online
  • DOI:
  • Last update: Apr 24 2023 (Version 5)
<Citation>     <Acknowledgement>     <Disclaimer>    
Schulze, M.; Betts, M.; Frey, S. 2023. Air temperature at core phenology sites and additional bird monitoring sites in the Andrews Experimental Forest, 2009 to present. Long-Term Ecological Research. Forest Science Data Bank, Corvallis, OR. [Database]. Available: Accessed 2025-01-24.
Data were provided by the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest research program, funded by the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Program (DEB 2025755), US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and Oregon State University.
While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Andrews LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets.
The H.J Andrews phenology study air temperature network includes 16 core phenology sites, 40 core bird sites and 128 auxiliary bird sites. This study examines air temperatures at multiple sites within the Andrews Experimental Forest. Air temperatures were recorded 1.5 m above ground at 184 sites distributed on an 800-m incomplete grid throughout much of the Andrews Forest. Data were collected using automated sensors starting in June of 2009 at 56 sites and in June 2011 128 additional sensors were added. These data document the complex spatial and temporal patterns of air temperature variation within the Andrews Forest, which is governed by multiple processes including inversions, regional air mixing, cold air drainage and pooling, and the effects of vegetation on temperature extremes. The data entities provided indicate various methods of data quality checking over time.

Study Description Study Site Map Download Study Location Information: (CSV)
Ecological Metadata Language: (EML)
1Daily air temperature for phenology core sites (Oct 1 2008 - Sep 21 2015)METADATADATA
Derived from flagged output from WaTer.Py program with additional rigorous manual QA/QC
2Hourly air temperature for phenology core sites (Oct 1 2008 - Sep 22 2015)METADATADATA
Derived from flagged output from WaTer.Py program with additional rigorous manual QA/QC
3Daily air temperature for phenology core bird and auxiliary sites (Jan 1 2009 - Jul 30 2014)METADATADATA
Derived from filled output from WaTer.Py program
4Hourly air temperature for phenology core bird and auxiliary sites (Jan 1 2009 - Jul 30 2014)METADATADATA
Derived from filled output from WaTer.Py program
5Fine temporal resolution temperature and light intensity data for core, bird and auxiliary sites (Process A) (Jun 2 2009 - Aug 12 2018)METADATADATA
Raw data that has been flagged with the hja_hobo_clean Python program
6Fine temporal resolution temperature and light intensity data for core, bird and auxiliary sites (Process B) (Jul 19 2018 - Oct 8 2022)METADATADATA
Raw data that has been flagged using defined QA_flag_definition criteria through GCE toolbox workflow

 HOBO workflow - Includes PDF files that describe the steps from field deployment through the production of raw data, which is input into the Python code, instructions to offload data from the shuttle, and download data from the logger with the shuttle.
 QA/QC flag definitions used in entity 6 - Table of flags used in GCE Toolbox workflow for QA/QC of MS045 and MV008 pendant temperature and intensity sensors
 Python workflow used in entity 5 - Includes instructions on how the Python code is run, including the yaml and wheel file to be used in the Python code, which can be adjusted by the user to change the flagging of the data, and the definition of flags used in the Python QAQC file.
 Sunrise-sunset table - Table by day of year for sunrise and sunset times in Pacific Daylight Time
 hja_hobo_clean Python program - The repository that hosts the code needed to process, flag and clean HOBO-collected data records from the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest.

 Forest-wide bird survey at 183 sample sites the Andrews Experimental Forest from 2009 to present (SA024)
 Vegetative Phenology observations at the Andrews Experimental Forest, 2009 - Present (TV075)
 Aquatic and terrestrial insect activity phenology with trap collections at the Andrews Experimental Forest, 2009-2014 (SA025)
 Stream temperature at core phenology stream sites in the Andrews Experimental Forest, 2009 - 2014 (HT006)

 Kim, Hankyu, McComb, Brenda C., Frey, Sarah J. K., Bell, David M., Betts, Matthew G. 2022, Forest microclimate and composition mediate long-term trends of breeding bird populations (Pub. No: 5255)
 Wolf, Christopher, Bell, David M., Kim, Hankyu, Nelson, Michael Paul, Schulze, Mark, Betts, Matthew G. 2021, Temporal consistency of undercanopy thermal refugia in old-growth forest (Pub. No: 5193)
 Ward, Sarah E. 2018, Microclimate and Phenology at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest (Pub. No: 5051)
 Ward, Sarah E., Schulze, Mark, Roy, Bitty 2018, A long-term perspective on microclimate and spring plant phenology in the Western Cascades (Pub. No: 5070)
 Frey, Sarah J. K., Hadley, Adam S., Johnson, Sherri L., Schulze, Mark, Jones, Julia A., Betts, Matthew G. 2016, Spatial models reveal the microclimatic buffering capacity of old-growth forests (Pub. No: 4925)
 Schmidt, Stephanie A. 2019, Buzzing Bolbomyiidae and Air Temperature Monitoring Methods: Investigating Long-Term Ecological Data from the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest (Pub. No: 5126)
 Argerich, Alba, Haggerty, Roy, Johnson, Sherri L., Wondzell, Steve M., Dosch, Nicholas, Corson-Rikert, Hayley, Ashkenas, Linda, Robert, Pennington, Thomas, Christoph K. 2016, Comprehensive multiyear carbon budget of a temperate headwater stream (Pub. No: 4929)
 Frey, Sarah J. K., Hadley, Adam S., Betts, Matthew G. 2016, Microclimate predicts within-season distribution dynamics of montane forest birds (Pub. No: 4930)
 Frey, Sarah J. K. 2014, Effects of Spatial Scale and Heterogeneity on Avian Occupancy Dynamics and Population Trends in Forested Mountain Landscapes (Pub. No: 4889)