

Vegetative Phenology observations at the Andrews Experimental Forest, 2009 - Present

  • Creator(s): Mark D Schulze
  • PI(s): Mark D Schulze
  • Originator(s): Mark D Schulze
  • Other researcher(s): Jay M. Sexton, Sarah Ward
  • Dates of data collection: Mar 1 2009 - Jul 25 2022
  • Data collection status: Study continues and further data collection is planned
  • Data access: Online
  • DOI:
  • Last update: Mar 24 2023 (Version 6)
<Citation>     <Acknowledgement>     <Disclaimer>    
Schulze, M. 2023. Vegetative Phenology observations at the Andrews Experimental Forest, 2009 - Present. Long-Term Ecological Research. Forest Science Data Bank, Corvallis, OR. [Database]. Available: Accessed 2025-02-15.
Data were provided by the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest research program, funded by the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Program (DEB 2025755), US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and Oregon State University.
While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Andrews LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets.
The vegetation phenology study is part of a larger effort to understand the influence of climate variability and change on trophic interactions in mountainous terrain. Phenology Core Sites were selected to capture the variation in elevation and topography across Lookout Creek watershed. Priority was given to sites with long-term air and soil temperature records (Reference stands) and previous phenology observations (Reference stands and stream gauging stations). Sixteen sites were established. At each site five individuals of from each 18 common species (if occurring within the site) from tree, shrub and herb layers were mapped and marked for observation. Weekly observations are conducted each year beginning in March or April depending on winter conditions and snowpack and continuing through June or July. Plant vegetative and reproductive phenophases are scored using a numbered system adapted to each plant species.

Study Description Study Site Map Taxonomic Hierarchy Download Study Location Information: (CSV)
Ecological Metadata Language: (EML)
1Vegetative Phenology Observations (Mar 1 2009 - Jul 25 2022)METADATADATA
Plant observations
3Vegetative Phenology Text Comments (Mar 1 2009 - Jul 25 2019)METADATADATA
observation text comments
4Vegetative Phenology Plant Locations (Mar 1 2009 - Jul 25 2022)METADATADATA
Distance and bearing from plot center point for all plants

 Stream temperature at core phenology stream sites in the Andrews Experimental Forest, 2009 - 2014 (HT006)
 Forest-wide bird survey at 183 sample sites the Andrews Experimental Forest from 2009 to present (SA024)
 Aquatic and terrestrial insect activity phenology with trap collections at the Andrews Experimental Forest, 2009-2014 (SA025)
 Air temperature at core phenology sites and additional bird monitoring sites in the Andrews Experimental Forest, 2009 to present (MS045)

 Taylor, Shawn D., Meiners, Joan M., Riemer, Kristina, Orr, Michael C., White, Ethan P. 2019, Comparison of large-scale citizen science data and long-term study data for phenology modeling (Pub. No: 5081)
 Ward, Sarah E. 2018, Microclimate and Phenology at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest (Pub. No: 5051)
 Ward, Sarah E., Schulze, Mark, Roy, Bitty 2018, A long-term perspective on microclimate and spring plant phenology in the Western Cascades (Pub. No: 5070)