
Location Name: Reference Stand RS38, H.J. Andrews EF, Willamette NF - RS38

Parent: Andrews Forest and vicinity Reference Stands - HJRS

Site Description:
South-facing slope amongst young dense evergreen forest
Bounding Coordinates (decimal degrees):
North: 44.22958414
South: 44.22778050
East: -122.22126811
West: -122.22386317
Elevation (meters):
Minimum:   524
Maximum:   559
Slope (%):   17.54
Aspect (degrees):   29
CANOPY: Thin, low; CONTINUOUS, CLOSED CANOPY TYPE, though site used to be clear-cut. SURFACE: Leaves, shrubs, and dirt.

Site is in south-facing slope amongst young dense evergreen forest. Historically an unusually warm site due to thin low canopy, southern exposure, and fact that is used to be clear-cut (has since grown back). Canopy appears to act as a sort of magnifier of solar radiation, keeping site inordinately warm.