
Location Name: High Elevation Reference Stand HE05, H.J. Andrews EF - HE05

Parent: High Elevation Reference Stand, H.J. Andrews EF - HJHE

Bounding Coordinates (decimal degrees):
North: 44.22302714
West: -122.14010184
Elevation (meters):
Minimum:   1279
Maximum:   1303
Slope (%):   55.00
Aspect (degrees):   102
Site History:
Site is just below the large rock promontory that is about 1 km west-northwest of the Lookout Mountain summit. Mixed-aged stand with vertical heterogeneity. Large amounts of fallen wood and an open understory. Plot 4 incorporates a mesic/wet opening with devil's club and vine maple. The bark on many of the older Alaska yellow-cedars is peeling away from the uphill side of the stem, presumably from debris and snow coming off the rocky promontory and down the steep slope. The trees appear healthy otherwise.

ABAM-CANO9 (Pacific silver fir / Alaska yellow cedar)