
Location Name: Upper Lookout Meteorological Station - UPLMET

Parent: Meteorological Stations - MS001

Bounding Coordinates (decimal degrees):
North: 44.20709700
West: -122.11976300
Elevation (meters):
Minimum:   1298
Maximum:   1284
Slope (%):   14.10
Aspect (degrees):   72
CANOPY: None overhead, open site, though insolation affected slightly from trees on adjacent hillsides. CONTINUOUS, OPEN CANOPY TYPE. SURFACE: Mixed short grass, brush, dirt.

The highest of the benchmark MET sites. On gentle east-facing slope, with horizon visible in all directions, though slight topographic shading to the southwest in winter. Very open, in a large clear-cut. Presence of young trees growing in clearcut provides some insolation blockeage; nearest forest starts due east 70-80 m. Due to openness and reliability of insolation and temperature data, this site was used to determine percentages of diffuse and direct radiation for each month in the study. (JWS 2001)