
Location Name: Primary Meteorological Station - PRIMET

Parent: Meteorological Stations - MS001

Bounding Coordinates (decimal degrees):
North: 44.21189300
West: -122.25594100
Elevation (meters):   436
Slope (%):   8.40
Aspect (degrees):   158
CANOPY: None overhead, though insolation affected slightly from trees on adjacent hillsides. CONTINUOUS, OPEN CANOPY TYPE. SURFACE: Short grass/dirt, generally clear of vegetation.

Level, open MET site at HJA headquarters, one of the long-term benchmark sites in the HJ Andrews. Long-term temperature measurements are from an enclosed sensor in a cotton shelter. Site is close to Lookout Creek, at the bottom of the valley; cold-air drainage possibly influences this site. Little difference between topographic and canopy insolation blocking, except during winter months. Trees to north are much closer than trees to the south. Along with CS2MET, appears to have cooler and somewhat unusual long-term temperature trends compared to the rest of the HJ Andrews. (JWS 2001)