

Attribute: SNAGSTAGE

code  description    
3    Recently dead, small twigs still attached; hard snag     
4    Dead, loose bark, top still intact; hard snag     
5    Dead, clean, top still intact, still has some branches; hard or soft snag     
6    Dead, broken top; soft snag     
6a    Dead; large portion of tree has snapped, few if any branches remain     
6b    Upper portion of bole snapped, still has a few branches     
7    Dead, decomposed; soft snag, 70% + soft sapwood     
ADead    Appears dead; tree has no visible green needles or leaves and is assumed dead (likely due to 2002 Biscuit Fire), but sprouts or regrows in subsequent year(s). May be sprouting from base.     
Down    Snag on ground     
Fallen    Fallen; tree is live but horizontal (or nearly so)     
Live    Live tree     
NF    Not found; tree not detected in plot (e.g. metal tree tag melted/missing, tree is assumed dead and fallen) but found in subsequent years(s)     
Snag    No decay class recorded