

Attribute: SOURCE

code  description    
1    Bier, Foster, and Salisbury. 1946. Studies in forest pathology IV. Decay in Sitka spruce. Can. Dept. Agr. Tech Bull. 56. 35 p.     
10    Foster, R. E., A. T. Foster. 1951. Studies in forest pathology. XII Decay o f western hemlock... Can. J. Bot. 29:479-521.     
11    Foster, R. E. H. M. Craig, G. W. Wallis 1954. Studies in forest plathology XII. western hemlock... Can. J. Bot. 29: 479-521     
12    Hanzlik, E. J. and F. S. Fuller. 1911. A study of breakage, defect and was te in Douglas fir. U. Washington Forestry Club 5: 32-39     
13    Hinds, T. E., F. G. Halwksworth, R. W. Davidson. 1960. Decay of subalpine fir in Colorado. USDA For. Serv. RM Sta. Pap. 51. 13 p.     
14    Kimmey, J. W. and E. M. Hornibrook. 1952. Cull and breakage factors...for redwood. UDSA Calif. For. & Rang. Exp. Sta. For. Survey Release 13. 28 p.     
15    Kimmey, J. W. 1956. Cull factors for sitka spruce, western hemlock, and west red cedar in SE AK. USDA For. Serv. Alaska For. Res. Cen. Sta. Pap. 6.     
16    Meinecke, E. P. 1916. Forest pathology in forest regulation. USDA Bull No. 275. 70 p.     
17    Wier, J. R., E. E. Hubert. 1919. A study of the rots of western white pine. USDA Bull. 799. 24 p.     
18    Etheridge, D. E. 1958. decay losses in subalpine spruce on the Rocky Mounta in Forest Reserve in Alberta. For. Chrono. 34:116-131.     
19    BC Forest Service. 1966. Butt-taper tables for commercial tree species of c oastal BC. BC Forest Service Forest Survey Note No. 7     
2    Bier, Salibury, and Waldie. 1948. Studies in pathology. V. Decay in Fir... Can. Dept. Agr. Tech Bull. 66. 28 p.     
20    Kimmey, J. W. and E. M. Hornibrook. 1952. Cull andbreakage factors and othe r tree measurements. USDA/FS, Cal. For.&Range Exp.Sta, Survey Rel.13, 28pp.     
3    Boyce, J. S. 1920. The dry rot of incense cedar. USDA Bull. No. 871. 58 p     
4    Boyce, J. S. 1932. Decay and other losses in Douglas-fir in western ?Oregon and Washington. USDA Tech. Bull 286. 60 p.     
5    Boyce, J. S. and J. W. B. Wagg. 1953. Conk rot of old-growth Douglas-fir i n western Oregon. Oregon Forest Products Laboratory Bull. 4. 96 p.     
6    Brandstrom A. J. F, and G. C. Flanagan. 1940. Volume losses in logging and marketing old growth Douglas fir. Timberman 41(7):17-22.     
7    Buckland, D. C. R. E. Foster, V. J. Nordin. 1949. Studies in forest patholog y. VII Decay in w. hemolock and fir. Can. J. Res. C 27:312-331.     
8    Englerth, G. H. 1942. Decay of western hemlock in western Oregon and Washi hington. Yale Scholl of Forestry Bull. No. 50. 53 p.     
9    Foster, R. E., J. E. Browne, and A. T. Foster. 1958. Studies in forest patho logy XIX. Western hemlock and ambilis fir Can Dept. Agric. Publ. 1029. 37 p.