

Properties of Attributes in entity 9 table: Summaries for density, basal area, volume, biomass, bole npp, and mortality

    NameKeyfieldNullableTypeDomainScaleNumTypeRangePrecisionUnitsMissing Value Code
    DBCODE NNchar(5) enumnominal      
    ENTITY NNnumeric(2,0) range ratio whole  1.number  
    PSP_STUDYID NNchar(4) placenominal      
    STANDID YNchar(4) placenominal      
    SPECIES YNchar(6) taxanominal      
    BEG_YEAR YNchar(10) freetextratio natural   year (yyyy)
    END_YEAR NNnumeric(4,0) range ratio natural   year (yyyy)
    BASALAREA NNnumeric(8,3) range ratio real  0.000square meters per hectare
    REL_BA NNnumeric(5,1) range ratio real  0.0percent
    DENSITY NNnumeric(8,1) range ratio real  0.0number per hectare
    REL_DENSITY NNnumeric(5,1) range ratio real  0.0percent
    BIOMASS NNnumeric(8,2) range ratio real  0.00megagrams per hectare
    REL_BIOMASS NNnumeric(5,1) range ratio real  0.0percent
    VOLUME NNnumeric(8,2) range ratio real  0.00cubic meters per hectare
    REL_VOLUME NYnumeric(5,1) range ratio real  0.0percent
    ANN_MORT_BM NYnumeric(8,2) range ratio real  0.00megagrams per hectare
    NPP NYnumeric(6,2) range ratio real  0.00megagrams per hectare per year
    INIT_BM NYnumeric(8,2) range ratio real  0.00megagrams per hectare
    INIT_DENSITY NYnumeric(8,1) range ratio real  0.0number per hectare
    PCTMORTPERYR NYnumeric(7,2) range ratio real  0.00percent