

Properties of Attributes in entity 10 table: Plant and ground surface cover estimates from microplots for early data

    DBCODE NNchar(5) enumnominal     
    ENTITY NNnumeric(2,0) range interval natural 10.-10. number
    WATERSHED NNchar(4) placenominal     
    PLOTID NNchar(8) placenominal     
    YEAR NNnumeric(4,0) range ratio natural 1976.-1979.1.number
    PLOT NNnumeric(2,0) range ratio natural 1.-36. number
    MICROPLOT NNchar(3) enumnominal     
    MICROPLT_OLD NNnumeric(2,0) range interval whole 0.-16. number
    SPECIES NNchar(6) taxanominal     
    COVER NNnumeric(5,1) range ratio real 0.1-100.00.1percent