

Properties of Attributes in entity 4 table: Monthly Temperature and Precipitation at Sites

    STCODE NNchar(5) enumnominal     
    FORMAT NNnumeric(2,0) range ratio natural 4.-4. number
    SITE YNchar(9) placenominal     
    MEAS_MONTH YNchar(2) enumnominal     
    STARTYR YNnumeric(4,0) range ratio natural 1951.-1991. year (yyyy)
    ENDYR NNnumeric(4,0) range ratio natural 1978.-1991. year (yyyy)
    MEANTEMP NYnumeric(5,1) range ratio real -24.9-28.40.1degrees Celsius
    MINTEMP NYnumeric(5,1) range ratio real -29.8-25.30.1degrees Celsius
    MAXTEMP NYnumeric(5,1) range ratio real -19.9-35.70.1degrees Celsius
    PRECIP_TM NYnumeric(4,0) range ratio integer 0.-565.1.millimeters