

Properties of Attributes in entity 18 table: Areas of sound and rotten tissues based on digitized photographic slides of cross-sections

    DBCODE NNchar(5) enumnominal     
    ENTITY NNnumeric(2,0) range interval natural 18.-18.1.number
    SITECODE NYchar(10) placenominal     
    LOGNUM YNnumeric(3,0) range interval natural 1.-900.1.number
    LOG_SPECIES NNchar(4) taxanominal     
    SECTION YNchar(1) enumnominal     
    TIME YNnumeric(3,0) range ratio whole 0.-16.1.number of years
    YEAR NNnumeric(4,0) range interval integer 1985.-2001.1.year (yyyy)
    SAMPLENUM YNnumeric(1,0) range interval natural 1.-2. number
    TA NYnumeric(7,2) range ratio real 0.00-10000.002.00square centimeters
    WA NYnumeric(7,2) range ratio real 0.00-10000.002.00square centimeters
    BSS NYnumeric(7,2) range ratio real 0.00-10000.002.00square centimeters
    HWA NYnumeric(7,2) range ratio real 0.00-10000.002.00square centimeters
    SOWA NYnumeric(7,2) range ratio real 0.00-10000.00 square centimeters
    SOHWA NYnumeric(7,2) range ratio real 0.00-10000.00 square centimeters
    NOTES NYchar(254) freetextnominal