

Properties of Attributes in entity 7 table: Rainfall, specific conductance, and water temperature from WS10 hillslope weir and WS10 main weir

    NameKeyfieldNullableTypeDomainScaleNumTypeRangePrecisionUnitsMissing Value Code
    DBCODE NNchar(5) enumnominal     
    ENTITY NNnumeric(2,0) range ratio natural 7.-7. number
    SITE YNchar(10) placenominal     
    DATETIME YNdatetime range datetime  Apr 25 2002 10:20AM-Mar 25 2003 11:40AM date as datetime type
    RAINFALL_DEPTH NNnumeric(5,3) range ratio real 0.254-2.286 millimeters
    EC NYnumeric(6,4) range ratio real 0.0050-0.3180 milli Siemens per centimeter
    WATERTEMP NNnumeric(4,1) range ratio real 0.2-24.9 degrees Celsius