
Aquatic Vertebrate Population Study in Mack Creek, Andrews Experimental Forest, 1987 to present

CREATOR(S): Stanley V. Gregory, Ivan Arismendi
ORIGINATOR(S): Stanley V. Gregory
OTHER RESEARCHER(S): Randall C. Wildman, Linda R. Ashkenas, Lauren Elizabeth Zatkos, Dave Leer, Brooke E. Penaluna, Emilee Mowlds
DATA SET CONTACT PERSON: Stanley V. Gregory, Randall C. Wildman, Linda R. Ashkenas
Al Steinman, Gary Lamberti, Kelly Moore, Dean DiNicola, Donna DAngelo, John Schwartz, Mindy Simmons, Sherri Johnson, Jack Burgess, Lou Reynolds, Mark Meleason, Dan Sobota, Alan Miller, Charles Frady. NSF LTER grants; LTER1 Grant (1980) DEB8012162, LTER2 Grant (1985) DEB8514325, LTER3 Grant (1990) DEB9011663, LTER4 Grant (1996) DEB9632921, LTER5 Grant (2002) DEB0218088, LTER6 Grant (2008) DEB, LTER7 Grant (2014) DEB1440409, LTER8 Grant (2020) DEB2025755.
7 Oct 2004
30 Nov 2023
Disturbance, Populations, habitats, populations, demography, ecology, stream ecology, population dynamics, floods, biomass, resistance and resilience, disturbance, timber harvest, aquatic ecosystems, streams, animals, vertebrates, amphibians, fishes, trout, reptiles
To provide a long-term record of populations in aquatic vertebrates, particularly the salmonid fish, cutthroat trout. These trends are related to land use and disturbance histories.
Experimental Design - AS006 :
Description: The same 150 m reaches of stream (clearcut and old- growth) are monitored annually. In addition to performing the population measurements on the aquatic vertebrates, a standard set of channel measurements (channel type, wetted widths and depths) are taken.
Field Methods Methods - AS006:

The 150 m reaches are each divided into 3 contiguous 50 m reaches, which are each blocked off with nets. Each 50 m sub-reach is then sampled with two-pass electrofishing. All vertebrates captured are measured and weighed (note: lengths only since 1999). Since 1991, all cutthroat trout are also given fin clips to monitor movement between the reaches.

Entity 2 (Habitat dimensions) contains habitat information for each reach sampled. Entity 1 (Vertebrate numbers and size) contains information about the vertebrates captured from each sampled reach. If a record exists in entity 2 and none in entity 1, then no vertebrates were captured.


Earlier data from these same reaches, dating to 1975 are also available from other sources (see publications, below). However, these data are not continuous and used different sampling methodologies, and consequently are not presented in this dataset. In 1994, a road culvert between the clearcut and old-growth reaches was removed, along with much of the road fill used to support it. The culvert was replaced by a bridge. The gaging station is located less than 20 meters below the downstream end of the culvert, and was also redesigned to handle higher discharges. The flume for the gage was modified to include a small fish ladder, thereby increasing the possibility for upstream movement of cutthroat trout. Additional information from each sample year is presented below.

1987 - Unittype and Unitnum corrected according to later determinations. No fins clipped. ONCL lengths are total lengths; all individuals weighed. No DITE sampled.

1988 - Sampled by reach, not unit. No fins clipped. ONCL lengths are total lengths; all individuals weighed. No DITE sampled.

1989 - Sampled by reach, not unit; same reaches as 1988. No second pass M reach, CC section due to darkness. No fins clipped. ONCL lengths are total lengths; all individuals weighed. No DITE sampled.

1990 - Sampled by channel unit, but same reaches as previous years. No fins clipped. ONCL lengths are total lengths; all individuals weighed. No DITE sampled.

1991 - Sampled by channel unit, but same reaches as previous years. First year of fin clips: all fish in old-growth given left ventral (LV) clip, those in clearcut given right ventral (RV) clip. Scale samples taken for some individuals. ONCL lengths are total lengths; all individuals weighed. No DITE sampled.

1992 - Sampled by channel unit, but same reaches as previous years. Clip field refers to fish marked in previous year and recaptured. Fin clips continue with same procedure as previous year. Log jam between C 9 and R 11 given designation S 10. Unit formerly P 10; filled in; now a rapid. ONCL lengths are total lengths; all individuals weighed. No DITE sampled.

1993 - Sampled by channel unit, but same reaches as previous years. Clip field refers to fish marked in previous year and recaptured. Fin clips continue with same procedure as previous year. ONCL lengths are total lengths; weights for 50 fry per section only. DITE sampled for first time; mostly snout-vent (LENGTH1) data taken, with some snout-tail (LENGTH2); 50 individuals weighed from each section.

1994 - Sampled by channel unit, but same reaches as previous years. Clip field refers to fish marked in previous year and recaptured. Fin clips continue with same procedure as previous year. ONCL lengths are total lengths; weights for first 50 fry per section only. All DITE have snout-vent data (LENGTH1); snout- tail measurements (LENGTH2); 50 and weights only from first 50 individuals in each section.

1995 - Sampled by channel unit, but same reaches as previous years. Clip field refers to fish marked in previous year and recaptured. Fin clips continue with same procedure as previous year. ONCL lengths are fork lengths (first year). Weights only for sub-sample of both ONCL and DITE in both sections.

1996 - Sampled by channel unit, but same reaches as previous years. Upper reach in clearcut section shocked in separate halves (note different dates). In old-growth, added a lower pool in Lower reach; Middle reach much longer due to increase in side channel by Devil's Club Creek. One hundred meter section above Lava Falls (150 m above old growth reach) sampled this year only; these fish given adipose (AD) fin clip. Clip field refers to fish marked in previous year and recaptured. Fin clips continue with same procedure as previous year. ONCL lengths are fork lengths.

1997 - Sampled by channel unit, but same reaches as last year. Clip field refers to fish marked in previous year and recaptured. Fin clips continue with same procedure as previous year. ONCL lengths are fork lengths. All organisms weighed an measured in old-growth, Lower reach of clearcut. Lengths only for organisms in Middle and Upper reaches of clearcut.

1998 - Sampled by channel unit, but same reaches as last year. Middle reach in old-growth shocked on two separate days: below big jam one day, above it the next. Upper reach in clearcut shocked one week later than all other reaches. Clip field refers to fish marked in previous year and recaptured. Fin clips continue with same procedure as previous year. ONCL lengths are fork lengths; only weights taken were for 50 fry in each section. No weights for DITE.

1999 - Sampled by channel unit, but same reaches as last year. Clip field refers to fish marked in previous year and recaptured. Fin clips continue with same procedure as previous year. ONCL lengths are fork lengths. No weights taken due to scale failure.

2000 - Sampled by channel unit, but same reaches as last year. Clip field refers to fish marked in previous year and recaptured. Fin clips continue with same procedure as previous year. ONCL lengths are fork lengths. No weights taken for either species.

2001 - Sampled by channel unit, but same reaches as last year. Clip field refers to fish marked in previous year and recaptured. Fin clips continue with same procedure as previous year. ONCL lengths are fork lengths. No weights taken for either species. No fry were clipped in entire old growth section or the middle and upper reaches of the clearcut; animals were too small and fragile to clip safely. In the lower clearcut reach, 37 fry and 2 adults accidentally had both ventral fins clipped.

2002 - Sampled by channel unit, but same reaches as last year. Clip field refers to fish marked in previous year and recaptured. Fin clips continue with same procedure as previous year. No fry were clipped in either reach; animals were too small and fragile to clip safely. ONCL lengths are fork lengths. No weights taken for either species.

2003 - Sampled by channel unit, but same reaches as last year. Clip field refers to fish marked in previous year and recaptured. Fin clips continue with same procedure as previous year. No fry were clipped in either reach; animals were too small and fragile to clip safely. ONCL lengths are fork lengths. No weights taken for either species.

2004-2006 - ONCL lengths are fork lengths.

2007 - Fin clipping is no longer done. Pit tags are inserted into captured vertebrates and these are scanned. ONCL lengths are fork lengths.

2008-2017 - ONCL lengths are fork lengths.

2018-2019- 2 lengths were recorded for ONCL as length1=fork length and length 2=total length.

2020 - No sampling this year due to the Holiday Farm Fire that started on Labor Day.

2021-present - 2 lengths were recorded for ONCL as length1=fork length and length 2=total length.

2023 - No sampling this year due to the Lookout Fire that started on August 5th.

Mid-elevation, third-order stream. Gradient of 8%- 15%. Lower 150 m is in portion clearcut in 1963, with stream gage and flume 100 m upstream of the top of the sampled section. Upper 150 m is in 500 year-old old-growth stand dominated by Tsuga heterophylla (TSHE), Psuedotsuga menziesii (PSME), and Thuja plicata (THPL). Study encompasses a riparian reference stand (TV010), monumented channel cross-sections (GS002), stream discharge (HF004), water chemistry (CF002), meteorology (MS001), and long-term study of in-channel wood (GS006).
Mack Creek, H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest, western Oregon
Ground condition
Field notebooks stored in 262 Nash Hall, OSU.