

Mean monthly maximum and minimum air temperature spatial grids (1971-2000), Andrews Experimental Forest

  • Creator(s): Jonathan W. Smith, Christopher Daly
  • PI(s): Christopher Daly
  • Originator(s): Jonathan W. Smith
  • Other researcher(s): Jonathan W. Smith
  • Dates of data preparation: Jan 1 1971 - Dec 31 2000
  • Data collection status: Study collection is completed and no new collection is planned
  • Data access: Online
  • DOI:
  • Last update: Dec 7 2015 (Version 5)
<Citation>     <Acknowledgement>     <Disclaimer>    
Smith, J.; Daly, C. 2015. Mean monthly maximum and minimum air temperature spatial grids (1971-2000), Andrews Experimental Forest. Long-Term Ecological Research. Forest Science Data Bank, Corvallis, OR. [Database]. Available: Accessed 2025-02-16.
Data were provided by the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest research program, funded by the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Program (DEB 2025755), US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and Oregon State University.
While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Andrews LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets.
Mean monthly maximum and minimum air temperature spatial grids (1971-2000), adjusted for the effects of solar radiation and sky view factors, Andrews Experimental Forest. Maps were created using PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model), developed by Dr. Christopher Daly at Oregon State University’s PRISM Climate Group in 2010 ( Grids were exported into ASCII format from GRASS GIS software; values are in degrees C x 100. Spatial resolution is 50 meters. Two sets of temperature values are available: (1) values derived from an interpolation of point station temperature values accounting for elevation; and (2) values from (1), adjusted for effects of solar radiation exposure and sky view factors. Radiation exposure and sky view factors were calculated from a two-stream solar radiation model that accounts for elevation, slope, aspect, and shading from adjacent pixels on a 50-m digital elevation model. Temperature data were obtained from selected benchmark and reference stand climate stations within the HJ Andrews, as well as National Weather Service Cooperative (COOP) and USDA NRCS Snow Telemetry (SNOTEL) stations in the vicinity. Due to the sparseness of the station data outside the Andrews, values outside the Andrews are considered to have high uncertainty. Temperature values assume an open site with no canopy cover, so are not appropriate for describing temperatures within the forest canopy. See MS033 for radiation grids used to make the radiation adjustments.

Study Description Study Site Map Download Study Location Information: (CSV)
Ecological Metadata Language: (EML)
1January mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
2February mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
3March mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
4April mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
5May mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
6June mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
7July mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
8August mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
9September mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
10October mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
11November mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
12December mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
13January mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
14February mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
15March mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
16April mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
17May mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
18June mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
19July mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
20August mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
21September mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
22October mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
23November mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
24December mean monthly minimum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
25January mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
26February mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
27March mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
28April mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
29May mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
30June mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
31July mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
32August mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
33September mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
34October mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
35November mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
36December mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
37January mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
38February mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
39March mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
40April mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
41May mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
42June mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
43July mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
44August mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
45September mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
46October mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
47November mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA
48December mean monthly maximum temperature (1971-2000) not adjusted for effects of radiation and skyview factors MAP / METADATADATA

 Meteorological data from benchmark stations at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 1957 to present (MS001)
 Radiation spatial grids, Andrews Experimental Forest, 1995-2000 (MS033)

 Smith, Jonathan W. 2002, Mapping the thermal climate of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon (Pub. No: 3117)