

Oxygen-18 isotope ratios, chemistry, and tracers in storm water from WS10 hillslope experiment in the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 2001-2003

  • Creator(s): Kevin J. McGuire
  • PI(s): Kevin J. McGuire
  • Originator(s): Kevin J. McGuire
  • Other researcher(s): Nicolas B. Rodriguez, Jeffrey J. McDonnell
  • Dates of data collection: Oct 17 2000 - Aug 11 2003
  • Data collection status: Study collection is completed and no new collection is planned
  • Data access: Online
  • DOI:
  • Last update: May 4 2020 (Version 3)
<Citation>     <Acknowledgement>     <Disclaimer>    
McGuire, K. 2020. Oxygen-18 isotope ratios, chemistry, and tracers in storm water from WS10 hillslope experiment in the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 2001-2003. Long-Term Ecological Research. Forest Science Data Bank, Corvallis, OR. [Database]. Available: Accessed 2025-02-16.
Data were provided by the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest research program, funded by the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Program (DEB 2025755), US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and Oregon State University.
While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Andrews LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets.
Oxygen-18 ratios, expressed as Delta-18O or D18O (parts per hundred), measured in WS10 discharge and WS10 precipitation. The time series spans from January 2001 to February 2003, period during which precipitation and streamflow were sampled mostly manually and weekly. The time series also includes some periods of higher frequency automatic sampling in streamflow and precipitation in winter 2001 and winter 2002. The precipitation Delta-18O time series corresponds to the Delta-18O measured at PRIMET station located about 1 km from WS10 outlet at a similar altitude, except from 01-Sep-2002 to 04-Feb-2003, when the Delta-18O of precipitation sampled sequentially on an experimental hillslope of WS10, was used (the collector was located on the south aspect, 91 m upstream from the outlet).

Study Description Study Site Map Download Study Location Information: (CSV)
Ecological Metadata Language: (EML)
1Water isotope data (Oxygen-18) for streams, seeps, bulk rainfall, bulk snowmelt across the HJA (Oct 17 2000 - Feb 5 2003)METADATADATA
2Daily Water isotope (Oxygen-18) composition based on sequentially sampled rainfall (~5mm increments) at PRIMET (Sep 1 2002 - Feb 4 2003)METADATADATA
3Amino G acid tracer breakthrough collected from WS10 hillslope trench and main gauge (Dec 9 2002 - Feb 4 2003)METADATADATA
4Major ion chemistry from stream gauges WS02, WS09, WS10, and soil water in WS10 (Sep 16 2002 - Dec 12 2002)METADATADATA
5Water isotope data (Oxygen-18) and rainfall from rain gauge network across the HJA (Sep 21 2002 - Aug 11 2003)METADATADATA
6Dissolved silica from stream gauges WS09, WS10, and soil water in WS10 (Oct 2 2002 - Dec 20 2002)METADATADATA
7Rainfall, specific conductance, and water temperature from WS10 hillslope weir and WS10 main weir (Apr 25 2002 - Mar 25 2003)METADATADATA
Rainfall depth is calculated from the nearby tipping bucket (entity 12) binned to 10 minute intervals
8Soil moisture from Campbell CS 615s on hillslope in 3 soil pits (Apr 24 2002 - Mar 11 2003)METADATADATA
9WS10 hillslope discharge data (Apr 24 2002 - Mar 31 2003)METADATADATA
10Water isotope data (Oxygen-18) of synoptic sampling in major tributaries and streams in HJA, Blue River and McKenzie basins (Sep 18 2001 - Sep 26 2002)METADATADATA
See synoptic sampling map in related materials for sample locations
11Bromide tracer breakthrough with water temperature, specific conductance, discharge and rainfall collected from WS10 hillslope trench (Dec 9 2002 - Mar 20 2003)METADATADATA
Rainfall depth is calculated from the nearby tipping bucket (entity 12) binned to 10 minute intervals
12Raw tipping bucket data from WS10 hillslope (Nov 5 2001 - Aug 5 2003)METADATADATA
Each record represents the datetime of one tip

 WS10 Hillslope Study Area and Instrumentation - Map of WS10 showing the location of instrumentation and hillslope study area.
 Labs QA/QC Information - Lab QA/QC information including detection limits for measured constituents and lab comparisons
 Synoptic Sampling Map - Map of sampling locations for the synoptic sampling (entity 10) - [download word doc file]

 McGuire, Kevin J., McDonnell, Jeffrey J. 2010, Hydrological connectivity of hillslopes and streams: characteristic time scales and nonlinearities (Pub. No: 4666)
 McGuire, K. J., Weiler, M., McDonnell, J. J. 2007, Integrating tracer experiments with modeling to assess runoff processes and water transit times (Pub. No: 4203)
 McGuire, K. J., McDonnell, J. J., Weiler, M., Kendall, C., McGlynn, B. L., Welker, J. M., Seibert, J. 2005, The role of topography on catchment-scale water residence time (Pub. No: 3865)
 McGuire, Kevin J. 2004, Water residence time and runoff generation in the western Cascades of Oregon (Pub. No: 3864)