

Drought experiment on aquatic vertebrate populations in McRae Creek, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 2022

  • Creator(s): Madelyn Maffia, Allison Swartz, Dana Richard Warren, Catalina Segura
  • PI(s): Dana Richard Warren, Catalina Segura
  • Originator(s): Madelyn Maffia
  • Other researcher(s): Allison Swartz
  • Dates of data collection: Jul 18 2022 - Oct 19 2022
  • Data collection status: Study collection is completed and no new collection is planned
  • Data access: Online
  • DOI:
  • Last update: Oct 8 2024 (Version 3)
<Citation>     <Acknowledgement>     <Disclaimer>    
Maffia, M.; Swartz, A.; Warren, D.; Segura, C. 2024. Drought experiment on aquatic vertebrate populations in McRae Creek, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 2022. Long-Term Ecological Research. Forest Science Data Bank, Corvallis, OR. [Database]. Available: . Accessed 2025-02-15.
Data were provided by the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest research program, funded by the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Program (DEB 2025755), US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and Oregon State University.
While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Andrews LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets.
Three distinct reaches in McRae Creek west tributary (MCTW) within the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest in western Oregon were designated for manipulation and data collection. Manipulations included increasing the temperature (T), reducing streamflow (Q), and a reference (R reach). Population estimates of vertebrates, specifically Coastal Cutthroat Trout and Coastal Giant Salamander, were obtained using three-pass depletion methods in each reach. A Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) design was implemented, distinguishing between the "Before" and "After" periods. "Before" surveys were conducted from July 18th to 20th, 2022, while "After" surveys occurred from September 8th to 9th, 2022. During the surveys, each species was identified, noting life stage, and relevant measurements were taken. For trout, these included the length from the snout to the tail fork (Length_Fork_Vent), the snout to the tail (Length_Tail), and weight. In the "Before" survey, all trout were tagged with elastomer tags: red for the T reach, yellow for the Q reach, and orange for the R reach. Trout larger than 80 mm also received PIT tags in their abdominal cavities. Salamanders were measured similarly, not elastomer or PIT tags were applied. During the "After" survey, no new elastomer or PIT tags were inserted; only previously tagged fish were recorded. Additionally, stream cross-sections were surveyed every 5 meters to document stream dimensions. Recorded data included the location, reach, sample date, BACI status, and distance downstream from the upstream cross-section (0 meters). Measurements at each cross-section included wetted width, bankfull width, and depths at five evenly spaced points. Furthermore, pools were identified and measured in each reach, noting the maximum pool depth, depth at the outflow, width, and length. Temperature sensors were installed in each reach, recording stream temperature every 15 minutes. Sensor locations were recorded as the distance downstream from the top of each reach.

Study Description Study Site Map Taxonomic Hierarchy Download Study Location Information: (CSV)
Ecological Metadata Language: (EML)
1Vertebrate numbers and size (Jul 18 2022 - Sep 9 2022)METADATADATA
Measurements of trout and salamanders from electrofishing surveys of the sample reaches
2Cross-section measurements (Jul 19 2022 - Sep 8 2022)METADATADATA
Stream dimension measurements of widths and depths within the sample reaches
3Pool measurements (Jul 19 2022 - Sep 8 2022)METADATADATA
Indentified pool measurements within each reach including maximum pool depth, depth at the outflow, width, and length
4Stream temperature (Jul 18 2022 - Oct 19 2022)METADATADATA
Instantaneous 15-minute stream temperature readings within the reaches

 Experimental Design Diagram - Experimental Design showing the flow diversion system used to create desired treatment conditions for low flow and increased temperature reaches.