Sort by:AuthorYearReference TypePub Number
Anselmetto, Nicolò (2024) Modelling climate change and land use effects on the composition and distribution of mountain forests. Agriculture, forest and food sciences. (Pub. No: 5366, Thesis)
Arismendi, Ivan, Gregory, Stanley V., Bateman, Douglas S., Penaluna, Brooke E. (2024) Shrinking sizes of trout and salamanders are unexplained by climate warming alone. Scientific Reports. (Pub. No: 5344, Journal Article)
Baker, Karen S., Millerand, Florence (2024) The Incremental Growth of Data Infrastructure in Ecology (1980–2020). Ecology and Evolution. (Pub. No: 5374, Journal Article)
Barry, Brent R., Holbrook, Joseph D., Vogeler, Jody C., Elliott, Lisa H., Weldy, Matthew J., Lesmeister, Damon B., Epps, Clinton, Wilson, Todd, Vierling, Kerri T. (2024) Using spaceborne LiDAR to reveal drivers of animal demography. Ecological Applications. (Pub. No: 5367, Journal Article)
Bayles, David Paul, Swanson, Frederick J (2024) STILL: Standing, Moving, Reaching. Following fire: A resilient forest/An uncertain future. (Pub. No: 5385, Audiovisual Material)
Bayles, David Paul, Swanson, Frederick J (2024) CHRONOSEQUENCE: Using repeat photography to track change over time. Following fire: A resilient forest/An uncertain future. (Pub. No: 5386, Audiovisual Material)
Bayles, David Paul, Swanson, Frederick J (2024) TYPOLOGIES : Created by Fire, Revealed by Fire, Stimulated by Fire. Following fire: A resilient forest/An uncertain future. (Pub. No: 5387, Audiovisual Material)
Betts, Matthew G., Yang, Zhiqiang, Hadley, Adam S., Hightower, Jessica, Hua, Fangyuan, Lindenmayer, David, Seo, Eugene, Healey, Sean P. (2024) Quantifying forest degradation requires a long-term, landscape-scale approach. Nature Ecology & Evolution. (Pub. No: 5336, Journal Article)
Brackett, Amanda E., Still, Christopher J., Puettmann, Klaus J. (2024) Residual canopy cover provides buffering of near-surface temperatures, but benefits are limited under extreme conditions. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. (Pub. No: 5363, Journal Article)
Busby, David M., Wilcox, Andrew C. (2024) Hydrogeomorphic response of steep streams following severe wildfire in the Western cascades, Oregon. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. (Pub. No: 5365, Journal Article)
Bush, Sidney A., Johnson, Sherri L., Bladon, Kevin D., Sullivan, Pamela L. (2024) Stream chemical response is mediated by hydrologic connectivity and fire severity in a Pacific Northwest forest. Hydrological Processes. (Pub. No: 5352, Journal Article)
Cameron, Sarah, Schulze, Mark, Ahrens, Glenn (2025) Connecting Climate and Community Science through Oregon Season Tracker. Seventh Oregon climate assessment. (Pub. No: 5382, Report Section)
Daly, Christopher, Rounsaville, Todd (2025) Changes in the 2023 U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Map. Seventh Oregon climate assessment. (Pub. No: 5381, Report Section)
Farinacci, Michael D., Jones, Julia, Silva, Lucas C. R. (2024) Carbon-Water Tradeoffs in Old-Growth and Young Forests of the Pacific Northwest. AGU Advances. (Pub. No: 5351, Journal Article)
Fleishman, E. (2025) Seventh Oregon climate assessment. Ecology and Evolution. (Pub. No: 5378, Report)
Gervers, Kyle A. (2024) Host and Environmental Drivers of Foliar Fungal Abundance and Composition in Coastal Douglas-fir. Botany and Plant Pathology. (Pub. No: 5360, Thesis)
Golden, H.E., Christensen, J.R., McMillan, H.K., Kelleher, C.A., Lane, C.R., Husic, A., Li, L., Ward, A.S., Hammond, J., Seybold, E.C., Jaeger, K.L., Zimmer, M., Sando, R., Jones, C.N., Segura, C., Mahoney, D.T., Price, A.N., Cheng, F. (2025) Advancing the science of headwater streamflow for global water protection. Nature Water. (Pub. No: 5376, Journal Article)
Graham, Daniel (2024) There’s a bizarre animal in Oregon that looks and smells like a sock – and scientists are feeding it sardines. Here's why. Discover Wildlife. (Pub. No: 5368, Magazine Article)
Gregory, Stanley, Ashkenas, Linda, Wildman, Randall, Lienkaemper, George, Arismendi, Ivan, Lamberti, Gary A., Meleason, Mark, Penaluna, Brooke E., Sobota, Daniel. (2024) Long-term dynamics of large wood in old-growth and second-growth stream reaches in the Cascade Range of Oregon. River Research and Applications. (Pub. No: 5338, Journal Article)
Hernandez, Rolando (2024) How AI could help us locate and study threatened birds. Think Out Loud. (Pub. No: 5371, Audiovisual Material)
Iskin, Emily, Wohl, Ellen (2024) Interpreting floodplain heterogeneity: Using field data to understand unsupervised floodplain classifications. Journal of Hydrology. (Pub. No: 5372, Journal Article)
Jarecke, Karla M., Bladon, Kevin D., Meinzer, Frederick C., Wondzell, Steven M. (2024) Impact of rainfall and vapor pressure deficit on latewood growth and water stress in Douglas-fir in a Mediterranean climate. Forest Ecology and Management. (Pub. No: 5330, Journal Article)
Jefferys, Kendall M., Betts, Matthew G., Robinson, W. Douglas, Curtis, Jenna R. F., Hallman, Tyler A., Smith, Adam C., Strevens, Chloë, Aguirre-Gutiérrez, Jesús (2024) Breeding habitat loss linked to declines in Rufous Hummingbirds. Avian Conservation and Ecology. (Pub. No: 5349, Journal Article)
Jones, Benji (2024) Should we cut down trees to save them? The answer is complicated. Vox. (Pub. No: 5333, Magazine Article)
Joosse, Tess (2024) Thirty Years in the DIRT. CSA News. (Pub. No: 5384, Magazine Article)
Juice, S. M., Ridgeway, J. R., Hartman, M. D., Parton, W. J., Berardi, D. M., Sulman, B. N., Allen, K. E., Brzostek, E. R. (2024) Reparameterizing Litter Decomposition Using a Simplified Monte Carlo Method Improves Litter Decay Simulated by a Microbial Model and Alters Bioenergy Soil Carbon Estimates. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. (Pub. No: 5334, Journal Article)
Karlstrom, Leif, Klema, Nathaniel, Grant, Gordon E., Finn, Carol, Sullivan, Pamela L., Cooley, Sarah, Simpson, Alex, Fasth, Becky, Cashman, Katharine, Ferrier, Ken, Ball, Lyndsay, McKay, Daniele (2025) State shifts in the deep Critical Zone drive landscape evolution in volcanic terrains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (Pub. No: 5380, Journal Article)
Khattar, Gabriel, Peres-Neto, Pedro R. (2024) The Geography of Metacommunities: Landscape Characteristics Drive Geographic Variation in the Assembly Process through Selecting Species Pool Attributes. The American Naturalist. (Pub. No: 5340, Journal Article)
Kim, Hankyu, Siegel, Rodney B., Stephens, Jaime L., Hagar, Joan C., Furnas, Brett J., Jeong, Min-Su, McComb, Brenda C., Betts, Matthew G. (2024) Annual migratory movement, apparent molt-migration, migration schedule, and diffuse migratory connectivity of Hermit Warblers. Avian Conservation and Ecology. (Pub. No: 5355, Journal Article)
LaManna, Joseph A. (2024) Uncovering drivers of global tree diversity. Nature Plants. (Pub. No: 5337, Journal Article)
LaMontagne, J., Greene, D., Holland, E., Johnstone, J., Schulze, M., Zimmerman, J., Lyon, N., Chen, A., Miller, T., Nigro, K., Snell, R., Barton, J., Chaudhary, V., Cleavitt, N., Crone, E., Koenig, W., Macias, D., Pearse, I., Redmond, M. (2024) Community Synchrony in Seed Production is Associated With Trait Similarity and Climate Across North America. Ecology Letters. (Pub. No: 5379, Journal Article)
Le, Phong V.V., Rathore, Saubhagya S., Coon, Ethan T., Ward, Adam, Haggerty, Roy, Painter, Scott L. (2024) Hydrologic connectivity and dynamics of solute transport in a mountain stream: Insights from a long-term tracer test and multiscale transport modeling informed by machine learning. Journal of Hydrology. (Pub. No: 5346, Journal Article)
Li, Yuanheng, Devenish, Christian, Tosa, Marie I., Luo, Mingjie, Bell, David M., Lesmeister, Damon B., Greenfield, Paul, Pichler, Maximilian, Levi, Taal, Yu, Douglas W. (2024) Combining environmental DNA and remote sensing for efficient, fine-scale mapping of arthropod biodiversity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. (Pub. No: 5348, Journal Article)
Lookingbill, Todd R, DuPuy, Jack, Jacobs, Ellery, Gonzalez, Matteo, Kostadinov, Tihomir S. (2024) A 20-Year Ecotone Study of Pacific Northwest Mountain Forest Vulnerability to Changing Snow Conditions. Land. (Pub. No: 5335, Journal Article)
McCune, Bruce, Diez, Jeff, LaManna, Joseph, Betts, Matthew G (2024) Elevational Distributions of Forest Floor Mosses and a Test of Competition at Two Elevations in Western Oregon. Northwest Science. (Pub. No: 5383, Journal Article)
Nigro, Katherine M., Barton, Jessica H., Macias, Diana, Chaudhary, V. Bala, Pearse, Ian S., Bell, David M., Chen, Angel, et al. (2024) Co-mast: Harmonized seed production data for woody plants across US long-term research sites. Ecology. (Pub. No: 5373, Journal Article)
O'Kelley, Regina, Evered, Abigail, Peter-Contesse, Hayley, Moore, Jennifer, Lajtha, Kate (2024) Postfire extracellular enzyme activity in a temperate montane forest. Soil Science Society of America Journal. (Pub. No: 5354, Journal Article)
Perry, David A., Oetter, Doug R. (2024) Thirty years of forest productivity in a mountainous landscape: The Yin and Yang of topography. Ecosphere. (Pub. No: 5347, Journal Article)
Peter-Contesse, Hayley, Lajtha, Kate, Boettcher, Aron, O’Kelley, Regina, Mayedo, Amy (2024) Unearthing the legacy of wildfires: post fire pyrogenic carbon and soil carbon persistence across complex Pacific Northwest watersheds. Biogeochemistry. (Pub. No: 5339, Journal Article)
Rapp, Claire, Nelson, Michael P., Bruskotter, Jeremy T. (2025) Effects of long-term ecological research and cognitive biases on the evaluation of scientific information by public land managers in Oregon and Washington, USA. Ecology and Society. (Pub. No: 5377, Journal Article)
Rapp, Claire, Nelson, Michael Paul (2024) Wildland Fire Response in the United States: The Limitations of Consequentialist Ethics When Making Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty. Case Studies in the Environment. (Pub. No: 5350, Journal Article)
Rock, Linnea A., Shoup, Bryce, Ajowele, Joshua A., Brédoire, Félix, Oleksy, Isabella A., Tetrick, Matthew, Williams, David G., Collins, Sarah M. (2024) Watershed Responses to Climate Change-Driven Disturbances in Temperate Montane Ecosystems of the Western United States. Ecosystems. (Pub. No: 5370, Journal Article)
Schonberg, Lisa Ann (2024) Old Growth Playback. (Pub. No: 5364, Audiovisual Material)
Sebestyen, Stephen D., Shanley, James B., Blume, Theresa, Duncan, Jonathan M., Jones, Julia, Segura, Catalina, Mast, M. Alisa (2025) Introduction to the Special Issue on Research and Observatory Catchments. Hydrological Processes. (Pub. No: 5388, Journal Article)
Serchan, Satish P., Wondzell, Steven M., Haggerty, Roy, Pennington, Robert, Feris, Kevin, Sanfilippo, Angelo, Tonina, Daniele, Reeder, W. Jeffery (2024) Buried particulate organic C fuels heterotrophic metabolism in the hyporheic zone of a montane headwater stream. Freshwater Science. (Pub. No: 5345, Journal Article)
Tosa, Marie I., Lesmeister, Damon B., Levi, Taal (2024) Western spotted skunk spatial ecology in the temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest. Ecosphere. (Pub. No: 5356, Journal Article)
Wade, Jeffrey, Kelleher, Christa, Kurylyk, Barret L. (2024) Incorporating physically-based water temperature predictions into the National water model framework. Environmental Modelling & Software. (Pub. No: 5361, Journal Article)