

Disturbance legacies and resilience simulation using an individual-based forest landscape model on the Andrews Experimental Forest

  • Creator(s): Rupert Seidl
  • PI(s): Rupert Seidl
  • Originator(s): Rupert Seidl
  • Other researcher(s): Thomas A. Spies
  • Dates of data preparation: May 1 2014 - May 1 2014
  • Data collection status: Study collection is completed and no new collection is planned
  • Data access: Online
  • DOI:
  • Last update: May 28 2014 (Version 3)
<Citation>     <Acknowledgement>     <Disclaimer>    
Seidl, R. 2014. Disturbance legacies and resilience simulation using an individual-based forest landscape model on the Andrews Experimental Forest. Long-Term Ecological Research. Forest Science Data Bank, Corvallis, OR. [Database]. Available: Accessed 2025-01-14.
Data were provided by the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest research program, funded by the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Program (DEB 2025755), US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and Oregon State University.
While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Andrews LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets.
Disturbances are key drivers of forest ecosystem dynamics, and forests are well adapted to their natural disturbance regimes. However, as a result of climate change, disturbance frequency is expected to increase in the future in many regions. It is not yet clear how such changes might affect forest ecosystems, and which mechanisms contribute to (current and future) disturbance resilience. We here studied the 6364-ha HJ Andrews Experimental Forest landscape to investigate how patches of remnant old-growth trees (as one important class of biological legacies) affect the resilience of forest ecosystems to disturbance. Using the spatially explicit, individual-based forest landscape model iLand we analyzed the effect of three different levels of remnant patches (0%, 12%, and 24% of the landscape) on 500-year recovery trajectories after a large, high severity wildfire. In addition, we evaluated how three different levels of fire frequency (no fire, a historic fire return interval of 262 years, and a reduced fire return interval of 131 years) modulate the effects of initial legacies. The study investigated effects of legacies on the resilience of forest ecosystem structure (represented by canopy complexity as described by the rumple index), composition (proportion of late-seral species), and functioning (total ecosystem carbon storage). For each scenario of initial legacy and fire return interval 25 replicates were simulated. More information on the simulation methodology as well as the code and executable used for this study can be obtained at The dataset is completed and no further analyses are planned at this point. The results are published in Ecological Applications

Study Description Download Study Location Information: (CSV)
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1500-year time series of ecosystem structure, composition, and functioning at HJA METADATADATA
Simulation results of rumple index, late-seral species presence, and total ecosystem carbon in different scenarios of initial legacy and subsequent disturbance frequency
2Share of late-seral species in simulation year 1, scenario L0F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with no initial biological legacy and historic fire return interval
3Share of late-seral species in simulation year 51, scenario L0F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with no initial biological legacy and historic fire return interval
4Share of late-seral species in simulation year 151, scenario L0F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with no initial biological legacy and historic fire return interval
5Share of late-seral species in simulation year 251, scenario L0F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with no initial biological legacy and historic fire return interval
6Share of late-seral species in simulation year 351, scenario L0F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with no initial biological legacy and historic fire return interval
7Share of late-seral species in simulation year 451, scenario L0F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with no initial biological legacy and historic fire return interval
8Share of late-seral species in simulation year 1, scenario L1F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with historic initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 12% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
9Share of late-seral species in simulation year 51, scenario L1F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with historic initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 12% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
10Share of late-seral species in simulation year 151, scenario L1F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with historic initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 12% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
11Share of late-seral species in simulation year 251, scenario L1F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with historic initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 12% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
12Share of late-seral species in simulation year 351, scenario L1F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with historic initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 12% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
13Share of late-seral species in simulation year 451, scenario L1F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with historic initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 12% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
14Share of late-seral species in simulation year 1, scenario L2F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with elevated initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 24% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
15Share of late-seral species in simulation year 51, scenario L2F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with elevated initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 24% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
16Share of late-seral species in simulation year 151, scenario L2F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with elevated initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 24% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
17Share of late-seral species in simulation year 251, scenario L2F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with elevated initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 24% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
18Share of late-seral species in simulation year 351, scenario L2F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with elevated initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 24% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
19Share of late-seral species in simulation year 451, scenario L2F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with elevated initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 24% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
20Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 1, scenario L0F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with no initial biological legacy and historic fire return interval
21Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 51, scenario L0F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with no initial biological legacy and historic fire return interval
22Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 151, scenario L0F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with no initial biological legacy and historic fire return interval
23Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 251, scenario L0F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with no initial biological legacy and historic fire return interval
24Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 351, scenario L0F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with no initial biological legacy and historic fire return interval
25Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 451, scenario L0F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with no initial biological legacy and historic fire return interval
26Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 1, scenario L1F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with historic initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 12% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
27Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 51, scenario L1F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with historic initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 12% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
28Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 151, scenario L1F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with historic initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 12% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
29Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 251, scenario L1F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with historic initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 12% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
30Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 351, scenario L1F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with historic initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 12% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
31Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 451, scenario L1F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with historic initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 12% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
32Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 1, scenario L2F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with elevated initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 24% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
33Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 51, scenario L2F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with elevated initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 24% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
34Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 151, scenario L2F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with elevated initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 24% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
35Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 251, scenario L2F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with elevated initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 24% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
36Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 351, scenario L2F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with elevated initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 24% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval
37Total ecosystem carbon stocks in simulation year 451, scenario L2F1 MAP / METADATADATA
Simulation results for the scenario with elevated initial biological legacy level (remnant trees on 24% of the landscape) and historic fire return interval

 Long-term growth, mortality and regeneration of trees in permanent vegetation plots in the Pacific Northwest, 1910 to present (TV010)
 Soil descriptions and data for soil profiles in the Andrews Experimental Forest, selected reference stands, Research Natural Areas, and National Parks, 1962 & 1996 (SP001)
 Meteorological data from benchmark stations at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 1957 to present (MS001)
 Soil survey (1964, revised in 1994), Andrews Experimental Forest (SP026)
 Fire history reconstruction (1482 - 1952), Andrews Experimental Forest and vicinity (DF019)
 Average monthly and annual precipitation spatial grids. (1971-2000 and 1980-1989), Andrews Experimental Forest (MS027)
 Mean monthly maximum and minimum air temperature spatial grids (1971-2000), Andrews Experimental Forest (MS029)
 Radiation spatial grids, Andrews Experimental Forest, 1995-2000 (MS033)
 Plant community typing (2009 update), Andrews Experimental Forest (TV062)
 Mass of forest floor litter from cores in reference stands and inventory plots in the Pacific Northwest, 1992 to 2003 (TD028)

 Seidl, Rupert, Spies, Thomas A., Rammer, Werner., Steel, E. Ashley., Pabst, Robert. J., Olsen, Keith 2012, Multi-scale Drivers of Spatial Variation in Old-Growth Forest Carbon Density Disentangled with Lidar and an Individual-Based Landscape Model (Pub. No: 4792)