

Potential rapidly moving landslide hazards in Western Oregon, clipped to Andrews Experimental Forest, 1999 to 2002

  • Creator(s): R Jon Hofmeister, Frederick J. Swanson
  • PI(s): Frederick J. Swanson
  • Originator(s): R Jon Hofmeister
  • Other researcher(s):
  • Dates of data collection: Jul 15 1999 - Sep 1 2002
  • Data collection status: Study collection is completed and no new collection is planned
  • Data access: Online
  • DOI:
  • Access constraint: This map is in digital format and was produced with data at a scale of 1:24,000 (1 in. = 2,000 ft). Therefore, the information it provides is appropriate only at that scale or a smaller scale (e.g., 1:48,000) and cannot show greater detail if viewed at any larger scale.
  • Last update: Dec 11 2013 (Version 4)
<Citation>     <Acknowledgement>     <Disclaimer>    
Hofmeister, R.; Swanson, F. 2013. Potential rapidly moving landslide hazards in Western Oregon, clipped to Andrews Experimental Forest, 1999 to 2002. H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest. Forest Science Data Bank, Corvallis, OR. [Database]. Available: Accessed 2024-11-08.
Data were provided by the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest research program, funded by the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Program (DEB 08-23380), US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and Oregon State University.
While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Andrews Forest shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets.
Landslides are a serious geologic hazard, threatening public safety, natural resources, and infrastructure, and costing millions of dollars for repairs each year in Oregon. This map of areas where rapidly moving landslides pose hazards in western Oregon is part of the State's attempt to protect lives and property. The overview map delineates zones that are prone to landslide hazards, especially rapidly moving landslides. These zones provide information to local governments about property that might require more site-specific evaluation. The map is in digital format and was produced with data at a scale of 1:24,000 (1 in. = 2,000 ft). Creation of the map involved the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) modeling, checking and calibrating with limited field evaluations, and comparing with historic landslide inventories. The extent and severity of the hazard posed by rapidly moving landslides varies considerably across western Oregon. In general, the most hazardous areas are mountainous terrains, which are usually sparsely populated, especially drainage channels and depositional fans associated with debris flows. Where hazard areas intersect with human development, use of the map can help to assess the risk and prioritize risk-reduction activities. Various options are available to reduce the risk of landslide losses. Risk-reduction activities can include engineering solutions, public education, warning systems, temporary road closures and evacuation, land use regulation, and many other options. Although this project addresses a range of rapidly moving landslides, this map is not a compilation of all possible landslide hazards.

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1Potential rapidly moving landslide hazards in Western Oregon, clipped to Andrews Experimental Forest MAP / METADATADATA