
Location Name: Reference Stand RS20 air/soil temperature site - RS20__

Parent: Reference Stand RS20, H.J. Andrews EF, Willamette NF - RS20

Site Description:
Midslope; Habitat type Psme/Hodi
Bounding Coordinates (decimal degrees):
North: 44.22149866
West: -122.25051519
Elevation (meters):   684
Slope (%):   79.32
Aspect (degrees):   141
CANOPY: Low and sparse; DISCONTINUOUS CANOPY TYPE. SURFACE: Pine needles, dirt, and sticks.

On a steep south-facing slope near the top of the lower Blue River Ridge. Sparse and discontinuous canopy to east, south, and west. Though canopy is thin, attenuation due to it is significant; very little topographic attenuation due to position near top of ridge. In a moderate forest of your to middle-aged evergreens.