However, extensive areas of bedrock are exposed in the channel bed between the bridge and the upper end of the clearcut reach, especially within a narrow (7-m wide) boulder-armored section extending about 25 m downstream from the bridge. This boulder-armored channel was constructed in the summer of 1994, when the 10 ft (3 m) diameter, 75 ft (23 m) long culvert pipe previously at the road crossing was removed to improve fish passage. Approximately 1200-1500 yd3 of sediment were excavated at that time (Cissel, personal communication). Bedrock is also exposed in the channel bed within the two uppermost MCC cross sections (XS 101 and 102), but was not present at this location prior to the 1996 flood. No bedrock is exposed within the bed or banks of the clearcut reach downstream of XS 102, nor was any observed between the downstream end of the clearcut reach and the confluence of Mack Creek with Lookout Creek-a distance of approximately 700 m-during a reconnaissance trip in the summer of 1997.