


code  description    
PPT301    Total precipitation is digitized with hourly resolution from an 8-inch diameter Leupold-Stevens Type Q-12 chart rain and snow recording gauge at an unspecified height     
PPT311    Total precipitation is sampled every 15 minutes from a heated shelter-top 8" rain gage at 810 cm height with a Stevens PAT water level shaft encoder; Campbell Scientific data logger     
PPT312    Total precipitation is recorded from a heated shelter-top 8" rain gage at 810 cm height with an A-35 chart recorder to measure depth and digitized with Summagraphics 1812 digitizer for 15 minute outpu     
PPT313    Total precipitation is recorded from a heated shelter-top 8" rain gage at 810 cm height with an A-35 chart recorder to measure depth and hand digitized for hourly output     
PPT341    Total precipitation is sampled every 15 minutes from a heated shelter-top 13.1" orifice rain gage at 870 cm height with a Stevens PAT water level shaft encoder; Campbell Scientific data logger     
PPT342    Total precipitation is sampled every 5 minutes from a heated shelter-top 13.1" orifice rain gage at 870 cm height with a Stevens PAT water level shaft encoder; Campbell Scientific data logger     
PPT401    Daily precipitation represents the total from a Leupold-Stevens Q-12 8" snow-rain recording chart gage     
PPT402    Daily precipitation represents the total from a Sacramento 8" storage gage at 285 cm height prorated using a Belfort Universal recording gage     
PPT403    Daily precipitation represents the total from a Sacramento 8" storage gage at 330 cm height prorated using a Belfort Universal recording gage     
PPT404    Daily precipitation represents the total from a Sacramento 8" storage gage at 435 cm height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with A-35 chart recorder     
PPT405    Daily precipitation represents the total from a Sacramento 8" storage gage at 435 cm height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with a Stevens PAT water level shaft encoder     
PPT406    Daily precipitation represents the total from a Sacramento 8" storage gage at 450 cm height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with A-35 chart recorder     
PPT407    Daily precipitation represents the total from a Sacramento 8" storage gage at 450 cm height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with a Stevens PAT water level shaft encoder     
PPT408    Daily precipitation represents the total from a Sacramento 8" storage gage at 450 cm height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with pressure transducer water level recorder     
PPT409    Daily precipitation represents the total from a Sacramento 8" storage gage at 450 cm height prorated using a propane-heated Weather Measure tipping bucket punch tape recorder     
PPT410    Daily precipitation represents the total from a Sacramento 8" storage gage at unspecified height prorated using a Belfort Universal recording gage     
PPT411    Daily precipitation represents the total from a heated shelter-top 8" rain gage at 810 cm height with a Stevens PAT water level shaft encoder collected at 15 minute intervals     
PPT412    Daily precipitation represents the total from a heated shelter-top 8" rain gage at 810 cm height with an A-35 chart recorder to measure depth     
PPT413    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at 105 cm height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with A-35 chart recorder     
PPT414    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at 105 cm height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with a Stevens PAT water level shaft encoder     
PPT415    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at 130 cm height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with A-35 chart recorder     
PPT416    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at 130 cm height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with pressure transducer water level recorder     
PPT417    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at 130 cm height prorated using a propane-heated Weather Measure tipping bucket punch tape recorder     
PPT418    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at 140 cm height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with A-35 chart recorder     
PPT419    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at 140 cm height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with pressure transducer water level recorder     
PPT420    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at 140 cm height prorated using a propane-heated Weather Measure tipping bucket punch tape recorder     
PPT421    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at 150 cm height prorated using a Belfort Universal recording gage     
PPT422    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at 155 cm height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with A-35 chart recorder     
PPT423    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at 160 cm height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with A-35 chart recorder     
PPT424    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at 160 cm height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with pressure transducer water level recorder     
PPT425    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at 160 cm height prorated using a propane-heated Weather Measure tipping bucket punch tape recorder     
PPT426    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at unspecified height prorated using a Belfort Universal recording gage     
PPT427    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at unspecified height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with A-35 chart recorder     
PPT428    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at unspecified height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with magnetostrictive tank gage     
PPT429    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed PVC standard rain gage at unspecified height prorated using a propane-heated Weather Measure tipping bucket punch tape recorder     
PPT430    Daily precipitation represents the total from a standard non-recording 7.5" rain gage at unspecified height prorated using a Belfort Universal recording gage     
PPT431    Daily precipitation represents the total from a standard non-recording 7.5" rain gage at unspecified height prorated using a Leupold-Stevens Q-12 8" snow-rain recording chart gage     
PPT432    Daily precipitation represents the total from a standard non-recording 7.75" rain gage at unspecified height prorated using a Belfort Universal recording gage     
PPT433    Daily precipitation represents the total from a standard non-recording 8" rain gage (Belfort) at 115 cm height prorated using a Belfort Universal recording gage     
PPT434    Daily precipitation represents the total from a standard non-recording 8" rain gage (Belfort) at 95 cm height prorated using a Belfort Universal recording gage     
PPT435    Daily precipitation represents the total from a standard non-recording 8" rain gage (Belfort) at unspecified height prorated using a Belfort Universal recording gage     
PPT436    Daily precipitation represents the total from a standard non-recording 8" rain gage (Belfort) at unspecified height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with A-35 chart recorder     
PPT437    Daily precipitation represents the total from a standard non-recording 8" rain gage (Belfort) at unspecified height prorated using a propane-heated Weather Measure tipping bucket punch tape recorder     
PPT438    Daily precipitation represents the total from a locally-designed or unknown storage gage with winter-long capacity at unspecified height prorated using a Belfort Universal recording gage     
PPT439    Daily precipitation represents the total from a Sacramento 8" storage gage at unspecified height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with A-35 chart recorder     
PPT440    Daily precipitation represents the total from a Sacramento 8" storage gage at unspecified height prorated using a heated shelter-top rain gage with pressure transducer water level recorder     
PPT441    Daily precipitation represents the total from a heated shelter-top 13.1" orifice rain gage at 870 cm height with a Stevens PAT water level shaft encoder collected at 15 minute intervals     
PPT442    Daily precipitation represents the total from a heated shelter-top 13.1" orifice rain gage at 870 cm height with a Stevens PAT water level shaft encoder collected at 5 minute intervals