

Attribute: ADULT_FUNC

code  description    
   Functional group unknown     
A    Terrestrial: fed by adult--food provisioned for or regurgitated to the immatures, which are confined in a nest or burrow located in the habitat listed for the immature (prey species or pollen sources provided a     
D    Terrestrial: detritivore--decomposers of litter material and decaying vegetable matter     
Dg    Terrestrial: dung feeder     
F    Aquatic: filterer (detritivore)--passively collect fine particulate organic matter     
Fl    Terrestrial: flowers--feed on pollen, nectar, or floral parts     
Fu    Terrestrial: fungivore--feed on fungal hyphae or spores, molds, slime molds, or other saprophytes     
Ga    Aquatic: gatherer (detritivore)--actively collect fine particulate organic matter     
Gl    Terrestrial: gall maker on macrophytic plants     
Go    Aquatic: gougers (herb-detritivore)--chew or bore into saturated woody debris     
H    Terrestrial and Aquatic: herbivore--feed on aquatic macrophytes (Aquatic), herbivore--chewers, fluid suckers, and miners of above-ground foliage, stems, and flowers of macrophytic plants (Terrestrial)     
HP    Terrestrial: hyperparasite--parasite or parasitoid on another parasitic species     
KP    Terrestrial: kleptoparasite--immature stage of a parasite species reared by or using provisioned stores in nest of host species without physically harming the host     
Li    Terrestrial: lichen feeder     
Mi    Terrestrial: microbial feeder--feeds on bacteria, protozoa, and other microbes     
Ms    Terrestrial: moss feeder     
nf    Terrestrial and Aquatic: nonfeeding stage     
O    Terrestrial: omnivore--normally feeds on both plant and animal life     
Pa    Terrestrial: parasite or parasitoid--includes external feeders on blood, fur, and feathers, as well as external or internal parasitoids that develop on or in host, usually killing it during development     
Pr    Terrestrial and Aquatic: predator--feed on animals, (engulfers and piercers - Aquatic)     
Rt    Terrestrial: root feeder--feed externally on or bore into roots     
Sc    Aquatic: scraper (herb-detritivore)--graze on mineral and organic surfaces     
Sd    Terrestrial: seed feeder-- feed on seeds or in cones     
Sh    Aquatic: shredder (detritivore)--chew coarse particulate organic matter     
Sp    Terrestrial: feed on plant or long exudates or fermenting fruit     
Sv    Terrestrial: feed on carrion, dead insects, or other dead animals     
X    Terrestrial: feed on wood or bark