


code  description    
B1-C0 100,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-C0 100,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-C0 50,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-C0 50,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-C0 75,50    Panther Creek block (B1), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-E1 100,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter (1), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-E1 100,50    Panther Creek block (B1), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter retention (1), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-E1 100,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter (1), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-E1 125,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter retention (1), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-E1 125,50    Panther Creek block (B1), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter (1), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-E1 125,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter retention (1), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-E1 150,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter (1), 150m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-E1 150,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter (1), 150m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-E1 75,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-E1 75,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-E3 25,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter retention (3), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-E3 25,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter retention (3), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-E3 50,50    Panther Creek block (B1), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter retention (3), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-E3 75,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter retention (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-E3 75,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter retention (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-L1 25,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), Low organic matter retention (1), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-L1 25,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), Low organic matter retention (1), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-L1 50,50    Panther Creek block (B1), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), Low organic matter retention (1), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-L1 75,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-L1 75,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-L3 100,0    Panther Creek block (B1), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter (3), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-L3 100,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter retention (3), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-L3 100,50    Panther Creek block (B1), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter (3), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-L3 125,0    Panther Creek block (B1), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter retention (3), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-L3 125,50    Panther Creek block (B1), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter retention (3), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-L3 150,0    Panther Creek block (B1), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter (3), 150m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-L3 150,50    Panther Creek block (B1), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter (3), 150m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-L3 75,0    Panther Creek block (B1), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter retention (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-L3 75,50    Panther Creek block (B1), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter retention (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M1 100,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter (1), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M1 100,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter (1), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M1 25,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter retention (1), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M1 25,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter retention (1), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M1 50,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter (1), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M1 50,50    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter retention (1), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M1 50,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter (1), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M1 75,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M1 75,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M3 100,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter (3), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M3 100,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter (3), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M3 25,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter retention (3), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M3 25,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter retention (3), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M3 50,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter (3), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M3 50,50    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter retention (3), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M3 50,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter (3), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M3 75,25    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter retention (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B1-M3 75,75    Panther Creek block (B1), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter retention (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-C0 100,25    Pistol Creek block (B2), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-C0 125,0    Pistol Creek block (B2), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-C0 125,50    Pistol Creek block (B2), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-C0 75,0    Pistol Creek block (B2), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-C0 75,50    Pistol Creek block (B2), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E1 100,0    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter retention (1), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E1 100,50    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter retention (1), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E1 125,25    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter (1), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E1 125,75    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter (1), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E1 50,0    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter retention (1), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E1 50,50    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter retention (1), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E1 75,25    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E1 75,75    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E3 100,25    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter (3), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E3 100,75    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter (3), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E3 25,25    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter retention (3), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E3 25,75    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter retention (3), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E3 50,25    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter (3), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E3 50,50    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter retention (3), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E3 50,75    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter (3), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E3 75,25    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter retention (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-E3 75,75    Pistol Creek block (B2), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter retention (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-L1 100,25    Pistol Creek block (B2), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), Low organic matter retention (1), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-L1 125,0    Pistol Creek block (B2), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), Low organic matter retention (1), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-L1 125,50    Pistol Creek block (B2), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), Low organic matter retention (1), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-L1 75,0    Pistol Creek block (B2), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-L1 75,50    Pistol Creek block (B2), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-L3 100,25    Pistol Creek block (B2), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter retention (3), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-L3 125,0    Pistol Creek block (B2), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter retention (3), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-L3 125,50    Pistol Creek block (B2), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter retention (3), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-L3 75,0    Pistol Creek block (B2), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter retention (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-L3 75,50    Pistol Creek block (B2), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter retention (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M1 100,25    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter (1), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M1 100,75    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter (1), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M1 25,25    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter retention (1), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M1 25,75    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter retention (1), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M1 50,25    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter (1), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M1 50,50    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter retention (1), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M1 50,75    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter (1), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M1 75,25    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M1 75,75    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M3 100,0    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter retention (3), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M3 100,50    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter retention (3), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M3 125,0    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter (3), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M3 125,50    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter (3), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M3 50,0    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter retention (3), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M3 50,50    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter retention (3), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M3 75,0    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M3 75,25    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter retention (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B2-M3 75,50    Pistol Creek block (B2), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-C0 100,25    Fairview block (B3), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-C0 125,0    Fairview block (B3), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-C0 125,50    Fairview block (B3), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-C0 75,0    Fairview block (B3), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-C0 75,50    Fairview block (B3), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-E1 100,25    Fairview block (B3), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter retention (1), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-E1 125,0    Fairview block (B3), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter retention (1), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-E1 150,50    Fairview block (B3), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter retention (1), 150m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-E1 75,0    Fairview block (B3), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-E1 75,50    Fairview block (B3), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-E3 100,0    Fairview block (B3), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter retention (3), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-E3 100,25    Fairview block (B3), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter retention (3), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-E3 125,0    Fairview block (B3), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter (3), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-E3 150,0    Fairview block (B3), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter (3), 150m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-E3 150,50    Fairview block (B3), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter (3), 150m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-E3 50,0    Fairview block (B3), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter retention (3), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-E3 50,50    Fairview block (B3), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter retention (3), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-E3 75,25    Fairview block (B3), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter retention (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-E3 75,50    Fairview block (B3), Early-seral vegetation treatment (E), High organic matter (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-L1 100,25    Fairview block (B3), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), Low organic matter retention (1), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-L1 125,0    Fairview block (B3), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), Low organic matter retention (1), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-L1 125,50    Fairview block (B3), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), Low organic matter retention (1), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-L1 75,0    Fairview block (B3), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-L1 75,50    Fairview block (B3), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-L3 100,25    Fairview block (B3), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter retention (3), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-L3 125,0    Fairview block (B3), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter retention (3), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-L3 125,25    Fairview block (B3), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter (3), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-L3 125,50    Fairview block (B3), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter retention (3), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-L3 125,75    Fairview block (B3), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter (3), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-L3 75,0    Fairview block (B3), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter retention (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-L3 75,25    Fairview block (B3), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-L3 75,50    Fairview block (B3), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter retention (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-L3 75,75    Fairview block (B3), Late-seral vegetation treatment (L), High organic matter (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-M1 100,25    Fairview block (B3), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter retention (1), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-M1 125,0    Fairview block (B3), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter retention (1), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-M1 125,50    Fairview block (B3), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter retention (1), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-M1 75,0    Fairview block (B3), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-M1 75,50    Fairview block (B3), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), Low organic matter retention (1), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-M3 100,25    Fairview block (B3), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter retention (3), 100m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-M3 125,0    Fairview block (B3), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter retention (3), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-M3 125,50    Fairview block (B3), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter retention (3), 125m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-M3 75,0    Fairview block (B3), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter retention (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
B3-M3 75,50    Fairview block (B3), Mid-seral vegetation treatment (M), High organic matter retention (3), 75m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Ba-C0 0,0    Sugarloaf block (Ba), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 0m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Ba-C0 0,50    Sugarloaf block (Ba), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 0m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Ba-C0 25,25    Sugarloaf block (Ba), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Ba-C0 50,0    Sugarloaf block (Ba), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Ba-C0 50,50    Sugarloaf block (Ba), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Ba-TB 0,0    Sugarloaf block (Ba), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), Underburn treatment (B), 0m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Ba-TB 0,50    Sugarloaf block (Ba), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), Underburn treatment (B), 0m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Ba-TB 25,25    Sugarloaf block (Ba), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), Underburn treatment (B), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Ba-TB 50,0    Sugarloaf block (Ba), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), Underburn treatment (B), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Ba-TB 50,50    Sugarloaf block (Ba), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), Underburn treatment (B), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Ba-TN 0,0    Sugarloaf block (Ba), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), No underburn treatment (N), 0m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Ba-TN 0,25    Sugarloaf block (Ba), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), No underburn treatment (N), 0m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Ba-TN 0,50    Sugarloaf block (Ba), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), No burn treatment (N), 0m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Ba-TN 25,25    Sugarloaf block (Ba), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), No underburn treatment (N), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 25m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Ba-TN 50,0    Sugarloaf block (Ba), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), No underburn treatment (N), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 0m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Ba-TN 50,50    Sugarloaf block (Ba), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), No underburn treatment (N), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-C0 0,100    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 0m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 100m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-C0 0,50    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 0m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-C0 25,75    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-C0 50,100    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 100m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-C0 50,50    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Vegetation treatment Control (C), Organic matter Control (0), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-TB 0,100    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), Underburn treatment (B), 0m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 100m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-TB 0,125    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), Underburn treatment (B), 0m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 125m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-TB 0,50    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), Underburn treatment (B), 0m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-TB 25,100    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), Underburn treatment (B), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 100m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-TB 25,50    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), Underburn treatment (B), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-TB 25,75    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), Underburn treatment (B), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-TB 50,125    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), Underburn treatment (B), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 125m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-TB 50,50    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), Underburn treatment (B), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-TN 0,100    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), No underburn treatment (N), 0m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 100m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-TN 0,50    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), No underburn treatment (N), 0m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-TN 25,50    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), No underburn treatment (N), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 50m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-TN 25,75    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), No underburn treatment (N), 25m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 75m from measurement plot origin (South to North)     
Bb-TN 50,100    Snow Camp Meadow block (Bb), Late-seral vegetation treatment (T), No underburn treatment (N), 50m from measurement plot origin (West to East), 100m from measurement plot origin (South to North)