


code  description    
ADead    Appears dead; tree has no visible green needles or leaves and is assumed dead (likely due to 2002 Biscuit Fire), but sprouts or regrows in subsequent year(s). May be sprouting from base.     
C    Codominant; trees are medium-sized. Tree crowns receive full light from above, but comparatively little from the sides. Crowns form a general level of crown stratum, are not physically restricted from above and are crowded by other trees from the sides.    
D    Dominant; trees are larger than average. Tree crowns are well developed and receive full light from above and partly from the sides. Crowns extend above the general level of the crown cover of others of the same stratum and are not physically restricted    
Dead    Tree is dead     
Fallen    Fallen; tree is live but horizontal (or nearly so)     
I    Intermediate; tree crowns occupy a definitely subordinate position and are subject to strong lateral competition from crowns of dominants and codominants. They receive little direct light from above through small holes in the canopy, but no light from th    
na    Not applicable (tree outside plot, or not a tree)     
NF    Not found; tree not detected in plot (e.g. metal tree tag melted/missing, tree is assumed dead and fallen) but found in subsequent years(s)     
nm    Not measured     
O    Open grown or isolated; tree crowns receive full light from above and from all sides. In even aged stands, these trees have their crowns well above the general canopy.     
S    Overtopped; tree crowns receive no direct light from above or from the sides and are entirely below the general level of dominant and codominant trees.