

Properties of Attributes in entity 4 table: Growth-changes: Douglas-fir

    TAG YNnumeric(4,0) range interval natural 1101.-3003. number
    HEIGHT YNnumeric(6,2) range ratio real -0.38-0.000.01meters
    SAMPLE YNchar(1) freetextordinal     
    EVENTTYPE YNchar(1) enumnominal     
    EVENTYEAR YYnumeric(4,0) range datetime  0.-1991. year (yyyy)
    DECADE NYnumeric(4,0) range datetime  0.-1990. year (yyyy)
    EVENTRAD NYnumeric(4,1) range ratio real 0.0-77.00.1centimeters
    AGEOFEVENT NYnumeric(3,0) range ratio whole 0.-486. number of years
    SIZOFEVENT NYnumeric(5,2) range ratio real 0.25-4.800.01number
    PRE10YAVG NYnumeric(3,1) range ratio real 0.1-9.80.1millimeters
    R_INSAMPLE NYnumeric(2,0) range ratio whole 0.-10. number
    S_INSAMPLE NYnumeric(2,0) range ratio whole 1.-14. number
    LENTOGC NYnumeric(3,0) range ratio whole 0.-388. number
    SPECIES NNchar(5) enumnominal     
    X NYnumeric(7,2) range ratio real -29.70-129.210.01meters
    Y NYnumeric(7,2) range ratio real -218.09-25.690.01meters
    Z NYnumeric(7,2) range ratio real 683.22-745.680.01meters
    CLASSES NNchar(5) enumnominal