

Properties of Attributes in entity 8 table: Plot location, fire severity and topography

    DBCODE NNchar(5) enumnominal     
    ENTITY NNnumeric(2,0) range ratio integer 8.-8.1.number
    STUDYID YNchar(4) enumnominal     
    STAND YNchar(4) placenominal     
    PLOT YNnumeric(4,0) range ratio integer 63.-753.1.number
    UTM_EASTING NNnumeric(7,0) range ratio natural 578388.-582979. meters
    UTM_NORTHING NNnumeric(8,0) range ratio whole 4846173.-4851396. meters
    FIREMAP NNvarchar(20) freetextnominal     
    FIRECODE NNchar(1) enumnominal     
    FIREOBS NNvarchar(50) freetextnominal     
    SLOPE NYnumeric(3,0) range ratio integer 0.-60.1.percent
    ASPECT NYnumeric(3,0) range ratio integer 0.-327.1.degrees azimuth