

Properties of Attributes in entity 8 table: Pre-logging tree cover estimates for mature and regenerated trees

    DBCODE NNchar(5) enumnominal     
    ENTITY NNnumeric(2,0) range interval natural 8.-8. number
    WATERSHED NYchar(4) placenominal     
    PLOTID YNchar(8) placenominal     
    YEAR NNnumeric(4,0) range ratio natural 1973.-1973.1.number
    PLOT NNnumeric(2,0) range ratio natural 1.-36. number
    TREE_SPP YNchar(6) taxanominal     
    MCOVER NNnumeric(3,0) range ratio whole 0.-75. percent
    RCOVER NNnumeric(3,0) range ratio whole 0.-65. percent