

Properties of Attributes in entity 2 table: Density of fine woody detritus samples used to determine masses

    DBCODE NNchar(5) enumnominal     
    ENTITY NNnumeric(2,0) range ratio integer 2.-2.1.number
    PSP_STUDYID NYchar(4) placenominal     
    STANDID YNchar(4) placenominal     
    YEAR YNnumeric(4,0) range ratio integer 1950.-2050.1.year (yyyy)
    SAMPLE_NO YNchar(4) freetextnominal     
    DIAMETER NNnumeric(4,1) range ratio real 0.1-50.01.0centimeters
    SZ_CLASS NNchar(1) enumnominal     
    SAMPLE_LENGTH NNnumeric(5,1) range ratio real 0.1-20.00.1centimeters
    WET_WT NNnumeric(6,2) range ratio real 0.01-200.000.01grams
    DRY_WT NNnumeric(6,2) range ratio real 0.01-200.000.01grams
    SAMPLE_VOLUME NNnumeric(8,4)range ratio real 1.0000-10000.00000.0001cubic centimeters
    SAMPLE_DENSITY NNnumeric(4,2) range ratio real 0.01-1.001.00grams per cubic centimeter