

Properties of Attributes in entity 4 table: Summaries for Volume, Mass, Cover, and Nutrients

    DATACODE FNchar(5) freetextnominal     
    CARDTYPE FNnumeric(1,0) range ratio natural 4.-4. number
    STUDYID TNchar(4) enumnominal     
    STAND TNchar(5) placenominal     
    PLOT TNchar(4) freetextordinal     
    YEAR TNnumeric(4,0) range datetime  1977.-2050.1.year (yyyy)
    SPECIES TYchar(4) taxanominal     
    DECAY TYchar(1) enumnominal     
    POSITION TYchar(1) enumnominal     
    WVOL FYnumeric(12,5) range ratio real 0.0000-7603.29980.10000cubic meters per hectare
    BVOL FYnumeric(12,5) range ratio real 0.0000-2382.30000.10000cubic meters per hectare
    TVOL FYnumeric(12,5) range ratio real 0.0000-9985.59960.10000cubic meters per hectare
    WMASS FYnumeric(12,5) range ratio real 0.0000-2554.70000.10000megagrams per hectare
    BMASS FYnumeric(12,5) range ratio real 0.0000-1405.50000.10000megagrams per hectare
    TMASS FYnumeric(12,5) range ratio real 0.0000-3960.20000.10000megagrams per hectare
    PCOVER FYnumeric(12,5) range ratio real 0.0000-36.00000.01000percent
    SURFAREA FYnumeric(12,5) range ratio real 0.0000-14456.29980.10000square meters per hectare
    N FYnumeric(12,5) range ratio real 0.0000-3886.89990.10000kilograms per hectare
    P FYnumeric(12,5) range ratio real 0.0000-278.50000.10000kilograms per hectare
    K FYnumeric(12,5) range ratio real 0.0000-5308.10010.10000kilograms per hectare
    CA FYnumeric(12,5) range ratio real 0.0000-10615.40040.10000kilograms per hectare
    MG FYnumeric(12,5) range ratio real 0.0000-1161.40000.10000kilograms per hectare
    MN FYnumeric(12,5) range ratio real 0.0000-241.30000.10000kilograms per hectare
    NA FYnumeric(12,5) range ratio real 0.0000-64.50000.10000kilograms per hectare
    S FYnumeric(12,5) range ratio real 0.0000-0.00000.10000kilograms per hectare