

Properties of Attributes in entity 2 table: Gravimetric soil moisture corresponding with respiration

    NameKeyfieldNullableTypeDomainScaleNumTypeRangePrecisionUnitsMissing Value Code
    DBCODE NNchar(5) enumnominal     
    ENTITY NNnumeric(2,0) range ratio natural 2.-2. number
    GWC_AREA YNchar(6) enumnominal     
    DATE YNdatetime range datetime  Jul 7 2007-Oct 30 2008 date as date type
    GWC_LITTER NNnumeric(6,2) range ratio real 19.41-340.84 grams per gram
    GWC_5CM NNnumeric(5,2) range ratio real 23.76-98.65 grams per gram
    GWC_15CM NNnumeric(5,2) range ratio real 23.42-52.08 grams per gram
    PERC_WC_LITTER NNnumeric(3,0) range ratio whole 16.-77. percent
    EST_VWC_5CM NNnumeric(5,2) range ratio real 17.82-73.99 cubic meters per cubic meter
    EST_VWC_15CM NNnumeric(6,2) range ratio real 18.27-143.77 cubic meters per cubic meter