

Properties of Attributes in entity 1 table: The influence of microclimate gradients on soil characteristics within tree-fall gaps

    GAPNUMBR NNnumeric(3,0) range ratio natural 110.-210.1.number
    GAPSIZE NNnumeric(2,0) range ratio natural 10.-50.1.meters
    LOCATION NNnumeric(2,0) range ratio whole 1.-50.1.number
    DIRECTN NNnumeric(1,0) range interval whole 0.-1.1.number
    ORIENTN NNchar(3) freetextnominal     
    QUAD NNnumeric(1,0) range interval natural 1.-4.1.number
    SECTION NNchar(5) freetextnominal     
    IN_OUT NNnumeric(1,0) range interval whole 1.-2.1.number
    MOIST NYnumeric(5,1) range ratio real 10.0-60.00.1percent
    SOILTEMP NYnumeric(4,1) range ratio real 10.0-20.00.1degrees Celsius
    SOM NYnumeric(5,0) range ratio natural 10.-90.1.percent
    LITTER NYnumeric(4,0) range ratio whole 0.-20.1.centimeters
    TOTALMAT NYnumeric(3,0) range ratio whole 0.-100.1.percent
    PH NYnumeric(4,2) range ratio real 4.00-7.000.01pH units
    ROOTS NYnumeric(5,2) range ratio real 0.00-12.000.01grams
    FLDRESP NYnumeric(5,1) range ratio real 0.0-50.00.1grams per square meter per day
    LABRESP NYnumeric(5,2) range ratio real 0.00-10.000.01micrograms per gram per hour
    B_GLUC NYnumeric(5,2) range ratio real 0.00-1.000.01micromoles per gram per hour
    DENIT NYnumeric(5,3) range ratio real 0.000-7.0000.001nanograms per gram per hour