

Properties of Attributes in entity 4 table: Water isotopic ratios (O18/O16, H2/H1) from weekly grab samples collected in Lookout Creek and selected tributaries

    NameKeyfieldNullableTypeDomainScaleNumTypeRangePrecisionUnitsMissing Value Code
    DBCODE NNchar(5) enumnominal     
    ENTITY NNnumeric(2,0) range ratio natural 4.-4. number
    STREAM_NAME YNchar(30) placenominal      
    COLLECTION_PT YNchar(3) placenominal      
    SAMPLE_DATE YNdatetime range datetime  May 6 2022-May 4 2023 date as date type
    DEL18O NYnumeric(7,3) range ratio real -11.758--10.0250.210permil
    DEL2H NYnumeric(7,3) range ratio real -80.670-67.2830.060permil