

Properties of Attributes in entity 1 table: Corrected instantaneous stage height with flow calculations

    DBCODE NNchar(5) enumnominal     
    ENTITY NNnumeric(2,0) range ratio integer 1.-1.1.number
    SITECODE YNchar(6) placeordinal     
    WATERYEAR NNnumeric(4,0) range interval integer 1958.-1988.1.number
    DATE_TIME YNdatetime range datetime  Oct 1 1957 12:00AM-Apr 26 1988 6:48PM date as datetime type
    EQN_SET_CODE NNchar(3) enumnominal     
    STAGE NYnumeric(6,3) range ratio real 0.019-3.3500.010feet
    INST_Q NYnumeric(8,3) range ratio real 0.019-122.5680.010cubic feet per second
    INST_Q_AREA NYnumeric(7,3) range ratio real 0.069-263.0800.010cubic feet per second per square mile
    INTERVAL NYnumeric(4,0) range ratio real 1.-1440.0.number of minutes of time
    MEAN_Q NYnumeric(8,3) range ratio real 0.019-112.5800.100cubic feet per second
    MEAN_Q_AREA NYnumeric(7,3) range ratio real 0.069-237.4100.100cubic feet per second per square mile
    TOTAL_Q_INT NYnumeric(8,6) range ratio real 0.0000-1.75000.010000inches
    ESTCODE NNchar(1) enumnominal     
    EVENT_CODE NNchar(6) enumnominal