

Properties of Attributes in entity 4 table: N2 & N2O gas sampling: concentrations & 15N labels

    DBCODE NNchar(5) enumnominal     
    ENTITY NNnumeric(2,0) range interval natural 4.-4. number
    SITEID YNchar(8) placeordinal     
    SAMPLE_DATETIME YNdatetime range datetime  May 14 2003 11:46AM-Feb 23 2006 1:00PM date as datetime type
    SAMPLEPERIOD YNchar(9) enumordinal     
    EXPTIME_ISOTOPE YYnumeric(6,0) range ratio integer 0.-3000. number of minutes of time
    STATION YNchar(2) enumordinal     
    DISTANCE NYnumeric(4,0) range ratio real 10.-1872. meters
    ANALYTICALLAB YNchar(4) enumnominal     
    REP_NO YNchar(1) enumnominal     
    VOLUMEWATERSAMPLE NNnumeric(3,0) range ratio real 0.-127. milliliters
    VOLUMEHEADSPACE_HE NNnumeric(2,0) range ratio real 0.-36. milliliters
    VOLUMEHEADSPACE_INJECTED NNnumeric(2,0) range ratio real 0.-87. milliliters
    TEMPERATURE_STREAM NNnumeric(4,1) range ratio real 0.0-37.0 degrees Celsius
    TEMPERATURE_HEADSPACE NNnumeric(4,1) range ratio real 0.0-295.0 degrees Celsius
    BAROMETRICPRESSURE NNnumeric(6,4) range ratio real 0.0000-1.0210 atmosphere
    SPC NYnumeric(6,1) range ratio real 0.3-490.3 micro siemens per centimeter
    D15N_N2 NYnumeric(4,1) range ratio real -18.0-97.7 permil
    N2_MASS NYnumeric(6,4) range ratio real -1.2540-1.2420 millimoles
    D15N_N2O NYnumeric(6,1) range ratio real -287.2-11476.0 permil
    N2O_MASS NYnumeric(7,4) range ratio real -5.5890-358.7600 nanomoles
    N2O_CONCENTRATION NYnumeric(6,4) range ratio real -0.0002-0.3938 micromoles per liter
    NOTES NYvarchar(185) freetextnominal