

Attributes in entity 1: Survey data from non-representative online panel of American public in August 2017 (N = 1331).

Definition: FSDB Database Code
Domain: enum
Definition: Entity number
Units: number
Domain: range (minimum = 1.  maximum = 1.)
Definition: Unique respondent identifier
Units: number
Domain: range (minimum = 1.  maximum = 1331.)
Definition: Total time used to complete survey (milliseconds)
Units: number of seconds of time
Domain: range (minimum = 221.  maximum = 50378.)
Definition: Self-identified respondent gender
Domain: enum
6. AGE
Definition: Respondent age
Units: number of years
Domain: range (minimum = 18.  maximum = 97.)
Definition: Respondent age, binned by range
Domain: enum
Definition: Respondent annual household income
Domain: enum
9. EDU
Definition: Respondent highest level of education achieved
Domain: enum
10. RACE
Definition: Self-identified respondent race/ethnicity
Domain: enum
Definition: In the past year I have donated money to an environmental organization.
Domain: enum
Definition: In the past year I have volunteered for an environmental organization.
Domain: enum
13. ENV_ID
Definition: I consider myself an environmentalist.
Domain: enum
Definition: I think nature conservation is important.
Domain: enum
15. POL_OR
Definition: How do you self-identify politically?
Domain: enum
16. REL
Definition: How religious are you?
Domain: enum
17. SODES_1
Definition: It is sometimes hard for me to go on with my work is I am not encouraged.
Domain: enum
18. SODES_2
Definition: I sometimes feel resentful when I don’t get my way.
Domain: enum
19. SODES_3
Definition: On a few occasions, I have given up doing something because I thought too little of my ability.
Domain: enum
20. SODES_4
Definition: There have been times when I felt like rebelling against people in authority even though I knew they were right.
Domain: enum
21. SODES_5
Definition: No matter who I’m talking to, I’m always a good listener.
Domain: enum
22. SODES_6
Definition: There have been occasions when I took advantage of someone.
Domain: enum
23. SODES_7
Definition: I’m always willing to admit it when I make a mistake.
Domain: enum
24. SODES_8
Definition: I sometimes try to get even rather than forgive and forget.
Domain: enum
25. SODES_9
Definition: I am always courteous, even to people who are disagreeable.
Domain: enum
26. SODES_10
Definition: I have never been irked when people expressed ideas very different from my own.
Domain: enum
27. SODES_11
Definition: There have been times when I was quite jealous of the good fortune of others.
Domain: enum
28. SODES_12
Definition: I am sometimes irritated by people who ask favors of me.
Domain: enum
29. SODES_13
Definition: I have never deliberately said something that hurt someone’s feelings.
Domain: enum
30. MINC1_A1
Definition: Every person has value above and beyond his or her usefulness for others.
Domain: enum
31. MINC2_A2
Definition: In general, I would say human suffering is a moral issue.
Domain: enum
32. MINC3_A3
Definition: As a basic principle, people ought to demonstrate respect for other individual people.
Domain: enum
33. MINC4_Z1
Definition: The wellbeing of an individual animal matters, even if it does not affect the wellbeing of people.
Domain: enum
34. MINC5_Z2
Definition: Every individual animal possesses a dignity that deserves respect.
Domain: enum
35. MINC6_B1
Definition: The wellbeing of individual plants is not a matter of moral concern to me.
Domain: enum
36. MINC7_B2
Definition: Every plant deserves respect as a living creature.
Domain: enum
37. MINC8_E1
Definition: People have a moral obligation to consider how their decisions might harm or benefit a species, even if the species has no apparent use.
Domain: enum
38. MINC9_E2
Definition: It makes no sense to talk about respecting a species.
Domain: enum
39. MINC10_E3
Definition: When people cause the extinction of a species, they have committed a moral wrong against the species.
Domain: enum
40. MINC11_E4
Definition: People have a moral obligation to consider how their decisions might harm or benefit an ecosystem, even if the ecosystem has no apparent use.
Domain: enum
41. MINC12_E5
Definition: It makes no sense to talk about respecting an ecosystem.
Domain: enum
42. MINC13_E6
Definition: When people cause the loss of an ecosystem, they have committed a moral wrong against the ecosystem.
Domain: enum
43. MINC14_Z3
Definition: If I had mice nesting in my walls, I would feel some guilt for exterminating them.
Domain: enum
44. MINC15_Z4
Definition: If I found a spider inside my house, I would hesitate to kill it.
Domain: enum
45. MINC16_B3
Definition: If I were weeding a garden, I would feel some remorse for killing the weeds.
Domain: enum
46. MINC17_B4
Definition: It is appropriate to feel grateful to the fruits and vegetables we eat.
Domain: enum
47. MINC18_A4
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm myself, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
48. MINC19_A5
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm my family, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
49. MINC20_A6
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm Americans, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
50. MINC21_A7
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm people in other countries, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
51. MINC22_Z5
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm a dog, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
52. MINC23_Z6
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm a bald eagle, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
53. MINC24_Z7
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm a cow, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
54. MINC25_Z8
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm a cougar, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
55. MINC26_Z9
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm a fly, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
56. MINC27_B5
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm a houseplant, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
57. MINC28_B6
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm an oak tree, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
58. MINC29_B7
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm a fungus, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
59. MINC30_B8
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm a poison ivy plant, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
60. MINC31_E7
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm an endangered species of elephant, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
61. MINC32_E8
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm a local species of mosquito, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
62. MINC33_E9
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm a tropical rainforest ecosystem, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
63. MINC34_E10
Definition: If I had to decide whether or not to do something that would harm an agricultural ecosystem, I would be making a moral decision.
Domain: enum
64. MINC35_Z10
Definition: A dog has value above and beyond any use it may serve for others.
Domain: enum
65. MINC36_Z11
Definition: A bald eagle has value above and beyond any use it may serve for others.
Domain: enum
66. MINC37_Z12
Definition: A cow has value above and beyond any use it may serve for others.
Domain: enum
67. MINC38_Z13
Definition: A cougar has value above and beyond any use it may serve for others.
Domain: enum
68. MINC39_Z14
Definition: A fly has value above and beyond any use it may serve for others.
Domain: enum
69. MINC40_B9
Definition: A houseplant has value above and beyond any use it may serve for others.
Domain: enum
70. MINC41_B10
Definition: An oak tree has value above and beyond any use it may serve for others.
Domain: enum
71. MINC42_B11
Definition: A fungus has value above and beyond any use it may serve for others.
Domain: enum
72. MINC43_B12
Definition: A poison ivy plant has value above and beyond any use it may serve for others.
Domain: enum
73. MINC44_E11
Definition: An endangered species of elephant has value above and beyond any use it may serve for others.
Domain: enum
74. MINC45_E12
Definition: A local species of mosquito has value above and beyond any use it may serve for others.
Domain: enum
75. MINC46_E13
Definition: A tropical rainforest ecosystem has value above and beyond any use it may serve for others.
Domain: enum
76. MINC47_E14
Definition: An agricultural ecosystem has value above and beyond any use it may serve for others.
Domain: enum
Definition: Treatment received by respondent (see related file )
Domain: enum
78. TRT_ATT1
Definition: The cause promoted in this flyer is worthy of support.
Domain: enum
79. TRT_ATT2
Definition: The cause promoted in this flyer is important.
Domain: enum
80. TRT_ATT3
Definition: I find the message in this flyer persuasive.
Domain: enum
81. MOSA_1
Definition: The message in this flyer makes me think about right and wrong.
Domain: enum
82. MOSA_2
Definition: The message in this flyer makes me think about my moral responsibilities.
Domain: enum
83. MOSA_3
Definition: The message in this flyer reflects my core moral beliefs.
Domain: enum
84. HYDON1
Definition: If this were an outreach message asking you to support a real conservation organization, would you donate money to that organization right now?
Domain: enum
85. HYDON2
Definition: If you answered “yes” to the question above, how much would you be willing to donate? (US Dollars)
Units: number
Domain: range (minimum = 1.00  maximum = 20000.00)
86. HYDON3
Definition: Denotes what sort of value was entered for hypothetical amount
Domain: enum
87. MC1_MFI1
Definition: This message is about trying to avoid harm.
Domain: enum
88. MC2_MFI2
Definition: This message is about fairness.
Domain: enum
89. MC3_MFB1
Definition: This message is about tradition.
Domain: enum
90. MC4_MFB2
Definition: This message is about community.
Domain: enum
91. MC5_MWH
Definition: This message expresses concern for people.
Domain: enum
92. MC6_MWNH
Definition: This message expresses concern for non-human beings (like animals or plants).
Domain: enum
93. MC7_EMO
Definition: I have a strong emotional response to this message.
Domain: enum
94. DON
Definition: Amount of money donated (US dollars)
Units: number
Domain: range (minimum = 0.01  maximum = 5.00)
95. DON2
Definition: Indicates whether the person made a donation
Domain: enum