Franklin, Jerry F., Carkin, Richard, Booth, Jack 1974, Seeding habits of upper-slope tree species: 1. A 12-year record of cone production (Pub. No: 117)
Franklin, Jerry F. 1968, Cone production by upper-slope conifers (Pub. No: 1765)
Disclaimer: cone counts are a relative indicator of annual cone production and should not be interpreted as a precise count of a tree’s total cone production in a given year.
The 2018 data collection occurred late in the season so the records include the number of central stalks of a cone that were observed on ABAMs and ABPRs (in comment field) as a potential proxy of cones that have already fallen. However, the confidence in this number is very low. Also it is unclear whether new and old cones on TSME were properly distinguished, so this number could be higher than what really occurred for this season.