DIRT plots were established at the HJ Andrews Experimental forest in 1997 with USDA support. There are 15 plots on the forest, 2 for each treatment, as well as some "split plots" to address dynamics at a finer scale. The plots are about 10m - 15m (about 100 m squared) to account for the extreme forest floor heterogeneity. Unlike other DIRT sites, HJ Andrews Experimental forest adds a location that is wetter and has much lower inputs of atmospheric N and much larger inputs of coarse woody debris than the other sites. Plots are sited in the low-elevation Douglas-fir/western hemlock zone on Andic soils of volcanic origin. These soils are of low density and highly sorptive, potentially leading to different nutrient dynamics than other DIRT sites. Additionally, the "double wood" treatment is implemented on Andrews, using mulch to simulate increased woody debris.
Harvard Forest DIRT plots: http://harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu/dirt-detritus-input-and-removal-treatments
University of Michigan Biological Station DIRT plots: http://umbs.lsa.umich.edu/research/researchsite/umbs-dirt-plots.htm