Related Presentations:
"HJ Andrews Forest Discovery: Interdisciplinary Interpretation and Empathy Development," 2016. With K.B. O’Connell and M. Schulz. 20-minute presentation at the Association for Experiential Education (AESS) Conference, Session moderator. Washington DC, June 2016.
"HJ Andrews Forest Discovery: A Conceptual Framework for Interdisciplinary Interpretation," 2015. With K.B. O’Connell, M. Schulz, and M.P. Nelson. 20-minute presentation at the Symposium for Experiential Education Research (SEER) in Portland, OR. October 2015.
"Forest Discovery: Crosscutting Concepts and Environmental Responsibility in the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest. An Interpretive Learning Trail Conceptual Framework," 2015. With K.B. O’Connell, M. Schulz, and M.P. Nelson. Poster presentation at the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) conference, San Diego, CA. June 2015.