For use with the HJ Andrews GIS database.
Many symbols shown on the maps have three digits and are called "Mapping Unit Complexes." These are mapping units used in areas where two or more defined mapping units are present in an arrangement too complex to separate at the one-inch per mile scale. The Legend of Complexes indicates the mapping unit components of the complex and the approximate percentage of each component.
Soil resource inventory, landtypes based on percentage of soil types present in a specific landform 9/5/1997 Costello Detroit soil type mapping was incorporated into the forestwide coverage 9/24/1997 Costello Item "soil_depth" was added. 12/2004 Data was clipped to the HJ Andrews Boundary from the Willamette National Forest Coverage.
Coverage was converted to a shapefile and projected to Nad83 Datum.
Link to Willamette NF SRI metadata:
Link to willamette NF SRI data download