Forty-two sites were sampled, covering the altitudinal and stream size range. Sampling stratified on stream order (1st to 5th) and elevation classes (less than 600 m, 600-800 m, 800-1000 m, greater than 1000 m asl), providing 14 possible combinations (larger streams absent at higher elevations). Three sites placed within each strata based on old-growth conditions and at least 50 m from nearest road or clear-cut.
Site sampling consisted of a 50 m long transect beginning in the center of the stream channel. Five 2 x 4 m quadrats were located along the first 10 meters and 5 additional quadrats every 8-th meter up to 50 meter, giving a total of 10 quadrats per transect. In 1st order streams only the first 5 quadrats were analyzed. A total of 360 quadrats were sampled.
In each quadrat percentage cover was measured for; Canopy cover of conifers and deciduous trees Ground cover of shrubs, herbs and bryophytes Ground cover of exposed soil, sand, gravel (including pebbles and cobbles), boulders, debris (litter and woody debris less than 10 cm diameter), and coarse woody debris (greater than 10 cm diameter) Cover of all occurring bryophyte species.
In addition slope between each quadrat was measured by a 2-meter measuring stick. Each quadrat was further assigned to a specific geomorphic surface; stream channel, (with constant water) active channel (dry during short periods of low flow), flood plain (flooded annually), transition slope (steep bank separating the flood plain from the stream terraces or the hillslope), stream terrace (flat level area with history of flooding), toeslope (lowest part of hillslope), and hillslope (areas above highest flood level). At the site level, elevation, general aspect (north or south), stream slope and size was noted. Stream slope (in percent based on elevation differences between intersections at known elevations) and size (drainage basin area) was calculated from the existing GIS database of the AEF (Reference person George Leinkaemper).