Funding for arthropod related research on the Andrews Forest has been provided in part by the National Science Foundation grants listed below:
GB 36810X : Coniferous Forest Biome Studies
BMS 7514003: Canopy arthropods
DEB 7803583: Canopy arthropods
DEB 8012122: Long Term Ecological Research on the HJ Andrews Forest
BSR 8300370: Support of the HJ Andrews Forest as a national research facility
BSR 8306490: Nutrient cycling
BSR 8508356: Riparian Studies on the HJ Andrews Forest
BSR 8508452: Ectomycorrhizal mat studies
BSR 8514325: Long Term Ecological Research on the HJ Andrews Forest
BSR 8516590: Log decomposition/heterotroph structure
BSR 8717434: Log decomposition/heterotroph structure
This list is compiled from collections and literature representing studies of arthropods from the Andrews Forest. Arthropod studies were started during the International Biome Project when the Andrews Forest was an important part of the Western Coniferous Biome Program. A collection was assembled during that period based on the entomological investigations on this site reported by Krantz and others (1973), McBrayer and others (1977), and Mispagel and Rose (1978). When the Andrews Forest was designated an Ecological Environmental Reserve site, efforts were increased to document the arthropod fauna of the site in conjunction with the research. These efforts continued through the establishment of the HJA as an LTER site and continue today.
The Andrews Forest Arthropod Collection (AFAC) is maintained as a separate entity by the Oregon State Arthropod Collection (OSAC), Department of Entomology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 97331. It is the repository for voucher specimens from all arthropod studies done on the Andrews Forest. These voucher specimens provide valuable ecological and biological data, not only for an individual species, but also for populations and community assemblages. The collection consists of pinned specimens housed in drawers in California Academy-style cases, slide-mounted specimens where appropriate, and a wet collection of specimens and samples in alcohol. The collection is now comprised of more than 3400 species authoritatively identified and documented. The collection is housed in Cordley Hall, Oregon State University. OSAC (Darlene D. Judd, Director) contains over 2,500,000 specimens, ranking in the top 3 percent of such collections (from a total of 586) in North America. It provides extensive coverage of the insects and other arthropods of the Pacific Northwest and beyond. OSAC has major holdings in the Hemiptera-Heteroptera and Homoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, macrolepidoptera, Diptera, Orthoptera, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Odonata, and a slide collection of more than 25,000 specimens of the Acarina. These collections enhance the AFAC by providing additional biogeographical and ecological information about the species found on the Andrews Forest site.
Originally (1970's to mid-1990's), the Department of Entomology at Oregon State University maintained the Andrews voucher specimens in the Systematic Entomology Laboratory (John D. Lattin, Director), and maintained the slide collection in the Acarology Laboratory (G.W. Krantz, Director).