Rating equations used for all discharge files: 120 degree V-notch weir equation.
SEBAR1 rating equation: 4.35*((GH-0.56)^2.5)
SEBAR2 rating equation: 4.35*((GH-0.76)^2.5)
The zero point was surveyed from the lowest point of the v-notch weir to the corresponding level on the staff gauge using an engineer’s level and rod.
Punchtapes are processed with a paper tape reader using the DOS program hydro.exe (output = *.flo files). The *.flo files are reformatted using the DOS program IPPT1.exe (output = *.fmt). The *.fmt files are checked for jumps in the record using the DOS program checker.exe (output = *.chk). The *.chk files are summarized into daily and annual flow with a header file (*.hdr, includes rating equation and adjustment information) and the DOS program hydra.exe (output = *.out and *.dat).
Digital Recorder files: (11/16/2001 to 9/30/2004)
Adjustments to the zero point/rating equation:
Rantz, SE and others. 1982. Measurement and computation of streamflow. U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2175. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. 631 p.
Harris, Robin M., Caty F. Clifton, and Steven M. Wondzell. In Review. Evaluating the Effects of Prescribed Fire and Fuels Treatment on Water Quality and Aquatic Habitat. In Proceedings, Advancing the Fundamental Sciences: A Conference for Forest Service Physical Scientists, October 18-21, 2004. San Diego, CA.