Tracer injection and monitoring points were surveyed (Anderson, 2002), and added to the digitized maps (LO410 and 411). Source area for each reach was calculated from a 10-meter digital elevation model (DEM). Sinuosity was calculated as the thalweg length divided by the straight-line distance along the valley axis for each reach. Stream discharge in reaches 410 and 410/411 was measured by wading, using a Marsh-McBirney model 200 flow meter (Marsh-McBirney, Inc., Fredrick, MD, USA). Stream discharge in WS03 was measured at the gauge house at the bottom of the reach. All samples collected with ISCO auto samplers (ISCO, Inc., Lincoln, NE) were analyzed with the same Turner Designs fluorometers (Turner Designs, Inc, Sunnyvale, CA) in a lab within 24 hr of retrieval. Three slug tracer experiments were performed on separate reaches in the HJ Andrews Experimenatl Forest.
Watershed 3 (Tracer Test 1), April 21, 2001
Lookout Creek, Reach 411 (Tracer Test 2), July 10, 2001
Lookout Creek, Reach 410/411 (Tracer Test 3), July 18, 2001