Inventory of microsites on clearcut and downed forest hillslopes of Mount St. Helens Blast Zone.
To obtain average areas (for stumps and rootwads) and dbh's (for snags) of certain microsites for each hillslope site.
To obtain areal vegetation cover by species, by microsite substrate, by shade class for each plot.
Type I: 15-meter plot transects are broken down to % length in each microsite type. Total length, by microsite, is also broken down into % by surface condition and shade class.
Type II: 6 x 15 m sq. belt transect at each plot (centered along 15 meter microsite transect measured in Type I data set) is sampled for area/dbh of stumps, rootwads, and snags.
Type III: 100 m sq. circular vegetation plot (Plot center correlates with transect centers for Type I and II). Determine m sq. coverage per species by microsite, shade class, and surface condition.
Type I: Microsites are measured to nearest cm. along a 1-meter transect for each plot. Whether or not the microsite was shaded is also recorded.
Shade classes:
Surface condition classes:
Type II: Measurements are taken to the nearest cm. For microsites falling greater than 50% within the belt transect.
Type III: Vegetation is measured to nearest cm. sq.