

Stream Consumers and Lotic Ecosystem Rates (SCALER) in streams of the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 2014-2016

  • Creator(s): Alba Argerich, Brooke E. Penaluna
  • PI(s): Brooke E. Penaluna
  • Originator(s): Alba Argerich
  • Other researcher(s): Emilee Mowlds
  • Dates of data collection: Aug 14 2014 - Aug 17 2016
  • Data collection status: Study collection is completed and no new collection is planned
  • Data access: Online
  • DOI:
  • Last update: Apr 28 2020 (Version 2)
<Citation>     <Acknowledgement>     <Disclaimer>    
Argerich, A.; Penaluna, B. 2020. Stream Consumers and Lotic Ecosystem Rates (SCALER) in streams of the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 2014-2016. Long-Term Ecological Research. Forest Science Data Bank, Corvallis, OR. [Database]. Available: Accessed 2025-03-06.
Data were provided by the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest research program, funded by the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Program (DEB 2025755), US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and Oregon State University.
While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Andrews LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets.
SCALER attempts to address the question of whether small-scale ecological experiments can be applied to understand the behavior of entire ecological systems. Specifically, the role of comsumers to stream functional processes were examined by measurements of structure and function within stream reaches. These results feed into a broader continent wide examination within a variety of ecological systems. Rates of stream metabolism (photosynthesis and respiration) and nutrient uptake were measured, as well as the way these rates respond to animal exclusions (used to mimic loss of animal diversity in streams). Aquatic food web and biogeochemical responses in three consecutive 75m stream reaches were measured by manipulating densities of fish and amphibians (natural, depletion, and addition). Additionally, various stream characteristics were measured including streamflow, water chemistry, nutrients, metabolism, stream habitat measurements (wetted widths, depths and substrate), and canopy conditions (percent shade). The experiment was carried out every summer between 2014-2016 in streams of the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest to capture interannual variability.

Study Description Study Site Map Taxonomic Hierarchy Download Study Location Information: (CSV)
Ecological Metadata Language: (EML)
1Epilithic biomass and chlorophyll a within treatment reach (Sep 2 2014 - Aug 9 2016)METADATADATA
2Measurements of macroconsumers within treatment reach (Aug 14 2014 - Aug 17 2016)METADATADATA
3Water chemistry of treatment reach (Sep 2 2014 - Aug 9 2016)METADATADATA
4Stream channel wetted width measurements within treatment reach (Sep 3 2014 - Aug 9 2016)METADATADATA
5Stream habitat measurements (depth and substrate size) (Sep 3 2014 - Jul 22 2016)METADATADATA
6Canopy condition of treatment reach (Sep 3 2014 - Jul 22 2016)METADATADATA
7Fine benthic organic matter within treatment reach (Oct 3 2014 - Aug 28 2015)METADATADATA
8Dissolved oxygen and specific conductivity within treatment reach (Aug 24 2014 - Aug 12 2016)METADATADATA

 Song, C., Dodds, W.K., Ruegg, J., Argerich, A., Baker, C.L., Bowden, W.B., Douglas, M.M., Farrell, K.J., Flinn, M.B., Garcia, E.A., Helton, A.M., Harms, T.K., Jia, S., Jones, J.B., Koenig, L.E., Kominoski, J.S., McDowell, W.H., McMaster, D., et al. 2018, Continental-scale decrease in net primary productivity in streams due to climate warming (Pub. No: 5040)
 Pennington, Robert, Argerich, Alba, Haggerty, Roy 2018, Measurement of gas-exchange rate in streams by the oxygen-carbon method (Pub. No: 5094)